Can we somehow insert KillaKuhn into the BLM movement?

6  2018-03-28 by carribbeanjimmy



Don't forget that he was doxxed by some evil racists too who he was desperately trying to bring to justice. He was probably disturbed and traumatised after that.


Yeah the Cumio brothers, Doxx and Poxx.

Poxx and Doxx.

Poxx gets top billing because Doxx is a leech of the lowest stock.

That's why he was driving so far. He thought Joe was after him.

Throw in a bunch of pictures of the kid, say that the authority separated him from his child.

yeah, kinda like how his kid inserted himself thru that fucking windshield at 50 mph

Well his kid was half white so it's definitely possible Kuhn Jr. removed himself from the carseat to purposely be ejected and set up a black man to go to prison.

If anyone tried to argue this with facts from the case "Of course that's what the racist main-stream media would want you to believe, they're trying to slander and innocent man... he a good boi, he dindu nuffin"

If anyone tried to argue this with facts from the case "Of course that's what the racist main-stream media would want you to believe, they're trying to slander an innocent man... he a good boi, he dindu nuffin"

bass levels matter