All aboard the laughter train fothamuckas

139  2018-03-28 by DeRosas_livelihood


All kidding aside folks, that's a good movie. The mini series Godless on netflix was also a good western, if you can get past the awful Red Indian kid (horrendous actor.)

Yeah, great film. Just re-watched it 2 weeks ago. Holds up very nicely.

Yeah 3:10 to Yuma is definitely worth a watch. 2007 was a great year for movies.

have you seen Bone Tomahawk?


Any good?


No. It's garbage. 3:10 was good, Bone Tomahawk was shite.

Not as good as I hoped but worth watching if you have time to kill

I liked it. Really fucking brutal. Reminded me of The Road.

is that a Village People porno?

is that a Village People porno?

Try Blackthorn with Sam Sheppard.

I was bummed that Sheppard croaked.

He had a good bit part in Mud. Cold in July was a pretty decent action/noir too.

Malkovich and Sinise did a production of his play True West that's really good and on youtube, check it out if you haven't seen it.

3:10 To Yuma was terrible, James Mangold stinks, and you're crazy. (The only good movie he ever made was Copland)

Bone Tomahawk is awesome, and The Proposition is the best western of the last 20 years, in my humble opinion.

I liked Copland and 3.10 To Yuma. Logan was ok too. Your humble opinion is shit.

No, my humble opinion is correct.

Logan was so unbelievably overrated. It still sucked, but I'd call it "the least worst" of any standalone Wolverine movie. When you have "Evil twin brother" AND "son of" in the same goddamn movie, you know you're out of fucking ideas.

Yeah well that's just like your opinion, man.

You don't go out looking for a job dressed like this, do you??

Is this...what day is this?

Copland was good with a great ending.

3:10 is horribly unbelievable stupid dog shit in a microwave oven level of badness.

Yep, at one point in 3:10 they were blatantly riding fake horses.

Mathew Fox had a great character in Tomahawk.

Paraphrasing:"Being as I'm the only one unmarried, that makes me the smartest of the group."

"They killed my mom snd sister, I want to see every red man dead."

Here's a fun 3:10 To Yuma fact that I don't ever got out:

Day 1, shot 1 of the movie, a horse ran right into the arm car and died. The horse was mortally wounded, and the wrangler walked up and shot it in front of the entire horrified cast and crew. It was an immediate wrap on Day 1, they went off and shot 2nd unit stuff instead.

I got the call from the reps as soon as I got in that morning, I was the assistant shipping dept manager. They were like "There's a package coming Fed Ex blah blah blah, call us as SOON as it gets there." The camera was totaled, and it showed up with blood and shit all over it. What a mess.

It was weird "what happens to Matthew Fox's character." I kind of...expected him to do more. That was such a bizarre movie.

Brawl In Cell Block 99 was a fitting 2nd outing for that director. That dude does not fuck around.

Good author too. Just finished one of his violent westerns "Wraiths of the Broken Land". Apparently Ridley Scott is adapting it for screen.

Oh he's an author too? Check out the big brain on BRETT!

More like 4:20 to ZOOTED. Fawk yea.

The fuck happened to Ben Foster? He was supposed to be the next big thing back in 07-08 and still is. Dude can act like a motherfucker.

Killed it in hell or high water. Thought that would bring him back.

I had a hard time believing his character could possibly have been real. It was way too over the top.

He was stellar in Pandorum, though. He should have had top billing but stupid Dennis Quaid who is barely even in the film and hardly walks out of one room got the top billing.

The only thing I remember about that movie was the futuristic razor. I just remember that film being over the top terrible.

Really good in lone survivor too.

He's a great actor but not really leading man material. I read an interview with him where he basically said he wasn't particularly ambitious in terms of becoming famous or A list, that he was happier being a respected character actor and choosing roles that interest him.

I read that too but good god can that man act.

He played a complete weak pussy on The Punisher and played a sociopathic killer on 3:10 and both were believable.

Exactly. He played a weak willed, sexually confused artist dipshit in Six Feet Under and a fearless, hard as fuck SEAL who kept fighting while shot up and half blind in Lone Survivor. You completely bought him as both.

Let us not forget him playing karate master drug addict in Alpha Dog

Boring as fuck

I washtched 510 to Yumo the other day guysh

Fuckin love how patrice called out riches laziness with that segment. 3:10 to yummy

Nah it was Jimmy who picked him up on that; I just listened to it yesterday

Patrice kept referring back to it I guess I should of said he wouldn't let it pass.

Patrice was absolutely the one who said 3:10 to Yummy and something like 5:30 to Candy Yams

I fuckin thought so.

Yuma is a fucking shithole

Great fucking movie. The idea that this movie had such a simple (but great) plot and stupid still couldn't explain it.

"5:10 to Yumo" god I love Vos.

Unironically a fucking awesome movie.

I hated that movie with all my heart. The premise and the outlaws' tactics are completely unbelievable at any level. Fuck this movie.

Movie trivia : The town at the end where they chase Russel Crowe through was a set that wasn't finished on time.. that's why they are running though unfinished houses and wooden framed buildings

More movie trivia, and Im not sure if this ever got out there:

Day one, shot one, the entire movie: a horse runs into the arm car crane jib and is mortally wounded. The horse wrangler (a real no nonsense type) walked out and shot it in front of the horrified cast and crew. That was a wrap on day 1. (They went off and shot 2nd unit stuff instead, wrapped the main cast/crew/pussies)

I was assistant shipping manager at Panavision at the time (it was our show), I got a call from the reps at 7am saying "let them know as soon as such and such Fed Ex package gets in." It comes in, and it's a destroyed Panavision Millennium 35mm camera and 10:1 zoom lens, still with the horse blood and shit on it.

"That's a true story." - Michael Corleone

I chuckled to this and immediately hated myself after


Any good?

You don't go out looking for a job dressed like this, do you??

is that a Village People porno?

is that a Village People porno?