Anthony- you went from being fun and "naturally funny" (1998-2008) to now half-heartedly trying to be funny while "punching a clock" (2018). I got some dumb "advise" for ya Ant, more here...

48  2018-03-28 by AnnJilliansBrassiere

We get it. The impressions that always got a laugh. We get it, Opie was a slug. We get it, always having to watch what you say, free speech, faggots, niggers. We get it - Dice, Hoo-Hoo Howie, Godfather, Casino, Goodfellas, 70's television. WE GET IT. Drop the TV act, the fake laughing at ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, the same old references and impressions. 20 years of the same goddamn shit we've heard already. Hell, nobody can say the word "Sentence" without you cutting in "Ah Suspended ahsentense! Haa haahaa!" You're becoming "Chip". The chicken can only cross the road so many times before it gets run over. (boooo). Either just be yourself and get a new shtick, stop mugging, laugh-cheering and trying to be Johnny Carson, and just host (or be a part of) your show... or fuckin' retire already. Every thing you've put out in the last few years have just been "reruns" of yourself. Change it up or hang it up. Do you really want to have a show that only a few die-hard 60-somethings want to watch, yet can't afford or don't even understand how to find? Fuck the format, quit being Mr. Anchorman and bring the fun back - 'Cause it just sounds (and looks) like you're showing up to a dumb job you don't give a fuck about. Seriously, everybody that liked you hung on, and blasted Opie for being a repetitive hack. But you're still going on the same shit that worked in 2005. We expected more from you. If you're done, then be fucking done. Wrapping up is more respectable than washing up. (AhBoooo).

Oh, and get the fuck off of social media, stupid. Most reasonable people already have, anyway. I canned twitter and facebook 'cause they're both retarded. I just drop in here now and again, when I'm bored. If you absolutely need to talk to somebody, call Keith. Get a flip-phone, so you don't get banned from anywhere else. Just some words I think you need to hear (read).


He's still hilarious.

...trying to be Johnny Carson

Johnny Carson very carefully hid his political views; he felt that if he was doing his job correctly, the audience shouldn't be able to tell which way he voted.

Also, Carson didn't see his job as a two-hour-a-day one; he was constantly reading, particularly the books of his guests, so that he could steer the conversation during the interview and cast his guest in the best possible light. People didn't fight to do his show just because he had the biggest audience; it was because he'd make you look great.

Anthony might want to be the next Carson; but he's not willing to do the work or sacrifice his personal views. He needs to choose a role model that better suits what he's willing to do.

Carson had an laid back, natural charm that was borne of a quiet self assurance. Such qualities can't be taught/learned or convincingly faked. Especially by an alcoholic, degenerate ghoul who couldn't even finish high school.

Carson was an alcoholic who'd start fights when he was drunk; Ed McMahon had stories of pulling Carson and some random patron at the same restaurant apart.

(There's a really good documentary on him called "The King of Late Night"; I remember seeing Carson on late-night repeats and thinking he was OK, but he was actually incredible.)

Sure but he kept his shit together on camera.

I grew up watching Carson reruns with my Grandparents. I enjoyed it, though I never appreciated it until later.

I'll always prefer Letterman and Ferguson (and Carson loved Letterman, who he wanted to be his real successor), but no one was as effortlessly cool as Johnny was. There's a reason people still want to emulate him and can't.

You don't remember Carson jerking around, thumbs twitching up a storm, eyes shifting nervously around the room seeking approval of authority figures?

I remember watching the last few years of the tonight show with my father. His last show was the end of an era. late night shows nowadays are fucking trash. would rather watch an infomerical

Carson was very good. I was very young when he was still around I still enjoyed him anyway. He was better than all the faggots who followed him, genuinely.

ME: He was alright, but he isn't even a blip on the radar compared to THE Brother Wease

That's a young, healthy Wease. That's from 10 years ago.

Reminder: Opie truly believes in his heart that he should,be the host of the tonight show

Why is punching a clock in quotes? You use quotation marks like Donald Trump. That is to say, incorrectly.

It is kind of a tall order, asking sonebody to just completely xhange who they are. But a few realistic things he could do that would definitely improve the show:

–stop trying to do a visual format. It makes everything less relaxed, and nobody watches it anyway. –get a co-host who will run the show for you. Just so you’re not the one in charge, because you seem tense and unnatural when you’re the one steering the ship (what’s that?). basically, find a funny Opie. –use a soundboard again. I think radio guys are reluctant to use drops bwcause they don’t to sound morning zoo-ish, but the constant repeats of jokes and Sopranos lines are basically like a soundboard anyway.

I would listen to this version on the show.

Jim Norton is about 10% as funny as he used to be. I’d say Anthony is still at about 60% capacity. He could have a decent show, but the format has to change.

As bad as they are, Jim actually trys making jokes still.

I wish it was reruns of 1998-2008 he would be funny. Right now he is just a alt right racist pedophile

What he should do - and I've said this forever - is just oversee his entire channel. Let Keith keep ownership with him, but hire someone to run the day to day, hire and develop talent, headhunt other talent, etc. Milo was on the way to being huge, and Gavin was making him huge, while making himself huge. These guys were getting red-hot up to the point and after Trump won. He had ANOTHER opportunity fall into his lap (like all the other ones in the past that O&A blew to shit), and he blew it. He could've taken on Rebel, Crowder, Dave Rubin, Shapiro, etc, and have gone COMPLETELY ahead of all of those guys and really cemented a lead, by understanding the internet and how it works, while really strengthening his visuals on the network. He could've even blown away Rogan...

But Ant and Keith are TOO DUMB AND PROUD to realize that the best thing for the company is to not run their company: just oversee it, get the final word on programming, and COLLECT. Thats it. They had a shot at being king shit of Right media, and they fucking blew it. They cant make a zany network full of zany shows, because they're too fucking gay and obsessed with their politics, and they're too dumb and proud to try to ride the wave of the new Right, which would have been beneficial to both of them because they could've created Fox News 2.0 and gone head-to-head with them directly, if they just knew what they fuck they were doing.

I liked his appearance on JRE

He is good on other shows, more like himself (or who the listeners knew, anyway). Really too bad he's re-banned from siriusxm, the shows he did with jim and sam were like new nopie episodes. It's his own show where he winds up and turns into "robot ant".

You just called yourself reasonable after writing all this to an unfunny old man who isn’t good at his job anymore, on a forum for a show that ended 4 years ago. Faggot lol


What if part of his natural personality is to talk in movie references?

Somebody disagrees, apparently. I talk in movie quotes constantly.

GREAT! He should watch some movies made after 1979 and work those references in...

Like what? The Hangover movies? Anchorman? What new movies are ripe with quotable dialogue?

One example of a new movie he is a FOOL to not quote?

What? What the fuck are you on about? Move on with your day, sir.

The OP and somebody else were very offended at Anthony's movie references, partially because they're too old. I can only assume that these same people would prefer movie quotes from a newer film. Nobody, however, can think of a single new movie that comes anywhere near being as quotable as Casino or Goodfellas

Anthony seems to have, like many fallen down the rabbit hole. You start of hating smug liberals who want to control what you say. You might have some views on black culture and the amount of crime in those communities. But if all you spend your time on is watching every news story about black crime or on free speech you end up becoming an extremist.

I think Ant in the 2000's went through that self radicalisation. You can hear numerous people call him out on it and at times he would listen. Moving away from the show has allowed him to rant alone in his basement. With no pushback and hand selected guests. So the rhetoric just keeps going as there is no pushback.

Ant is genuinely one of the funniest natural people I've listened to. His quick lines and story telling are what made him a millionaire. Political commentary is not. He should get back to story telling and get on some guests he doesn't agree with.

Here is some advice for: its over. Give up. Go away.

So basically we're suggesting he: -leave social media -stop being a shut-in and addict -develop a soul

He should really consider killing himself. I'm not even kidding. Life quality will only decrease for him further on. In a year, he'll be forced to shut down his business. In three years, he'll be forced to sell his house. In 5-7 years, he'll be forced into bankruptcy. And after that, only more ruin.

And in the mean time, he'll drink himself into something far worse than whatever mess he is now. Maybe something like what Artie is now. All the hangers on he has will vanish. Without any show, no one cares.

His best option. Is suicide.

Anthony thinks he’s too smart to listen to any advice.

Stop listening and find something new. These words you've typed out are futile.

In his mind, he's hysterical and the pinnacle of all things humor. You are just simple peasant to him. How many of his own subscribers do you think he's banned on Twitter. Move on and be better for it.

It's astounding how much Antwan reminds me of Desperate-Joe-Piscapo, these days.

Anthony has plenty in common with Johnny Carson. They both had mother issues, were incapable of lasting personal intimacy, and put on a completely out of touch, mailed in show in the twilight of their careers.

Nice Merv Griffin set,Tranpa.

They didn't bother me because Jim and ant were just entertaining themselves with them, but movie references have never been funny or not annoying

Nobody can name a single new movie that Ant simply must quote. What post-2000 movies are just so quotable?

There aren't many. Film making got too safe around then. By '02, the word "terrorists" was scrubbed from BTTF, images of the WTC were digitally removed from pictures, and the birth of national polarization was growing fast. The last bits of public entertainment that would still dare to test the wire, was radio shows like the dead one we still talk about.

Jim Norton is about 10% as funny as he used to be. I’d say Anthony is still at about 60% capacity. He could have a decent show, but the format has to change.