Who else thinks of the bbboys when they hear "Ecstasy of Gold"

3  2018-03-28 by StutterinPrickYou

There is a Modelo commercial that has a remix of the song. I get a half of chub thinking about a return..


And the other half is for latino gentlemen of the working class?

Or the hipsters of Newport Beach

I think of one of the greatest films of all time, not some Stern ripoff radio show featuring a homosexual, an Autist, and an alcoholic child molester.

You feeling luck punk? Do ya?

No, I think of Metallica, like most hetero males of a certain age. They were opening with that since the 80's. Fuck Opie ripping it off---I'd expect nothing less

How fuckin old are you? 50?

Wow bro, save some pussy for the rest of us

A coworker of mine have been talking O&A at work for years and only last week we were playing that song at work and he seemed not to know of its O&A relevance