Why I love Rich Vos:

210  2018-03-28 by RBuddCumia

Bob Kelly: My son found his ding-ding recently. Rich: Where? In Norton's mouth?


Best counter puncher in O&A history

Better than Patrice?

Rich is an easy target. If you notice, Rich has the best comebacks immediately after someone insults him. Its a defense mechanism. Patrice never acknowledged insults against him.

Good call about Patrice.

In fact, he’d usually go “oh stop it” then stammer into a long winded psych analysis of the person that trashed him

As a moderator this level of animosity towards Patrice is unacceptable to the standards of this subreddit. Consider this your only warning

mods are fags

I heard they are also Jews.

Shouldn't the comment actually be deleted since it wasn't about Opie or Anthony?


Patrice is a dumb fat rapist dead nigger

Patrice is a dumb fat dead nigger. He probably doesn't smell any worse now than he ever did, I suppose that is a plus.

Patrice is a dumb fat dead nigger. He probably doesn't smell any worse now than he ever did, I suppose that is a plus.

He made up for that by being funny unlike you

Yeah...funny for a dead fat stinky nigger with one foot. 🤣

You are 100% right

Patrice was not good at the counter-attack.

He would filibuster (as the great CQ said)- he would ramble and talk over the attacker until he hit on something funny. A slow meandering retort

Patrice was not good at the counter-attack.

He would filibuster (as the great CQ said)- he would ramble and talk over the attacker until he hit on something funny. A slow meandering retort

For quickness, Vos, Quinn and Norton are hard to beat

Then he keeps talking and inevitably bombs

Wow that's funny.

So the reason you like Rich Vos is because Jim Norton is an untrustworthy pedophile?

I dunno man, that's a tough one...

I never liked Vos on the show. His voice is annoying, and him and Norton throwing in their jokes to plug gigs got old. O&A did too much fake laughter with comedians in the studio.

It's quite brave of you to come out as homosexual to this sub.

My favorite Vos joke right now: I like having sex with my wife when she’s on her period because it feels like I’m murdering her.


My favorite voss line was here on the vid.


Also jump to about an hour to get some context to get whats going on.

Also dont forget to catch rich at bananas on the 31st, 2nd and 3rd this February.

It's spelled "Vos", but given your name I see how you made that mistake.

My favorite Vos line.

One of the WNEW roasts and Patrice was bringing up him being Black and Vos says something to the effect of "Here you go with the Black thing again... we all can smell that."

He's a fucking savage with his brutality.

Colin and Vos will be the only survivors of the O&Apocalypse

Haha cuz he's a gay pedophile!! Lmao!! He really GOT him!

God damn comedy is so boring and base now? How are you guys not embarrassed for yourselves

Both are pretty close to death anyway

I would include Bobby, but we are talking about physical survival, aren't we?

haha yea Bobby's good too. he's just fat. that's not a crime

I saw Steven Soderberghs new movie recently, UnSane, bout this bitch who gets thrown in a mental hospital where her stalker may or may not be working as an orderly. Bawwbby got him selff a role as a fat incompetant donut loving cop who does nothing to help anybody


Bawwbby got him selff a role as a fat incompetant donut loving cop who does nothing to help anybody

What impressive range

So just a regular cop?
Awwww shiet, I went there!

Haha cuz he's a gay pedophile!! Lmao!! He really GOT him!

God damn comedy is so boring and base now? How are you guys not embarrassed for yourselves

Yeah cos meta jokes about the economy or upcoming elections kill, right?

Look at ol’ Highbrow Harold over here, chuckling mirthfully at an Andy Borowitz column, musing “Ah, delightful!” between sips of espresso.

Nah I love cumtown but this shits just cringe mAn

You enjoy midget fingers that don't invade your upper rectum?

Those kinds of jokes are very unsettling. I never liked that from O&A. Somehow pedophilia is super funny to them. That and farting. That's fucking retarded.

pedophilia is hilarious you fairy

So is Farting!

I don't like rl


Die, you depressed fuck

We all die some day. I'm hardly depressed. I come here for the humor. You're the one whining about jokes being unsettling.

I can't find a single joke in poor taste? I love a good holocaust is a hoax joke for instance. Just not for actual pedophiles to make pedophilia jokes

of course you can find them distasteful and unfunny. but heres what you do when that happens: you shut the fuck up about it.

Fair enough

Vos without Opie in the room is hilarious.

It always annoyed me when Opie would try to turn things on His whenever he felt left out or insecure.

He treated Vos like one of the show retards, like Bobo, Lady Di, interns etc.

Vos took it because he needed the show, and was good enough at reading people to know that Opie was one of those people that would fuck you forever if you hurt their feelings, like a woman, and placated him at every turn.

And now that Opie doesn't have that power, maybe, his tiny little brain will see that that seat, that chair, that name on the wall, that's all he ever was, and he has nothing the fuck else to offer.

Sam treats Vos the same way. Another reason to hate him.

It’s annoying when Norton also focuses on the mistakes he makes when speaking, it’s not good radio and one cares. Just let him riff and tell jokes.

So you would have him saying “Bermuda Twiangle, Amazot.com, and Paux Fa” just slide? He’s a slobber mouthed ass and should be acknowledged as so.

The constant bitching about not being able to play back audio from 10 seconds ago is so annoying

I mean if he makes a really really bad one feel free to rag on him, but you're getting a couple minutes of material for ragging on him, whereas if you let him go and build confidence the radio would be much fucking better.

Vos is retarded

Sometimes the most obvious jokes are still the funniest

Fair enough

Patrice is a dumb fat dead nigger. He probably doesn't smell any worse now than he ever did, I suppose that is a plus.

He made up for that by being funny unlike you