You would think Anthony could overlook some dark coloring

72  2018-03-28 by Der-Giftpilz


There's classy looking Black broads, and then you got the one's that are balding with dinosaur faces and got defensive lineman bodies.

But there's no white stegosauruses, right?

It's not like entire communities post pictures of fat, haggard, dying white women on scooters in WalMart for loffs or anything.

He went about it wrong, but the sentiment rings true. Basically all you said were "some women are good looking, others are ugly" which is true of all races of women except eskimos probably.

Personally I think you should have said most are balding with dinosaur faces and taken a stand

Take your coonery somewhere else

You’re acting like the white men of this sub don’t hate those types of women also, you fucking faggot.

If you can ignore a cute little penis like Sue Lightning's, I'm sure you could manage to put aside even deep-seated racism for quality pussy.

Only a pissy-eyed faggot still trying to impress his long dead faggot father could possibly do otherwise.

Sue's a little too childlike for my tastes. I go more for Natalie Mars.

No thanks on both. Who needs the mental illness from either situation when there are perfectly good white women everywhere?

Yes because if the past few years have taught me anything, it’s that white women are the ones you can count on for mental stability.

And as generations before that has taught us, no one else is either.

Black 10s equal 6s of any other race on a good day.

What does their age have to do with this discussion?

"Everything." - Anthony Cumia

The negro athelete experiences early growth due to its bone structure.

She looks and dresses like Jermaine Stewart

definitely better wear a rubber then

That fucking chin; jesus christ