I expect more from a man who fucks young boys.

2  2018-03-27 by RBuddCumia


Of course pedothy cuminya would reply to that tweet.

Very suspect.

We don't need an explanation that it's the boy talking, that's obvious from the quotes. And the "but, then when" part makes him sound like a retard. The entire tweet should have been "But when can I play Fortnite?"

I dunno why he teases an O&A book from time to time, because he sucks as a writer.

Come on, with KtC ghost writing, that "O&A Tell Nothing" is certain to be a best seller among pedophiles, child spit enthusiasts, and racists currently engaged in legal contracts.

And Big A will buy 2 copies.

And he will have to be taught to read both of them

All I'm glad THAT'S sexual act is punished me to the by death. TRUTH: The man homosexual act is punishabi America has blind eye to the many by do you support/closetsexual for the radical pan feminists. Clearly my privilege of being gay in American mosques. Question is punishable culture..

What in the actual fuck did your brain tell your fingers to type? Get it together retard

Finally somebody said it.

It's sometimes hard to tell if he is making a modernized joke that bombs or making another unnecessary comment on society