Sam: "Listen up guys, I know my fans. Let's introduce Sandy Kane as a special guest and blow the roof off of Caroline's!"

20  2018-03-27 by ricswrangler


When she comes on is always when the show ends for me. The only guest I dislike more is Mary Jean.

I agree, and yet I hate Keith for pulling her chair out from under her.

No impulse control having, violent bully pig.

Who photoshopped this image to downsize his nostrils?

Nice Kuhn nostril, stupid

Do you think Sam is even aware of how goddamn lucky he is? I know we always say stuff like Opie found a lottery ticket when he found Anthony, but what about Sam? Has he deluded himself into thinking he's actually good at what he does and thinks he's talented, or does he know?

He thinks he put in his time, and solid work ethic, and thats enough. He doesn't realize you also need to be interesting.

Dat nigga breathes a lot


Sammy cokenostrils!

If you consider yourself a "Not Samsonite", you should consider suicide.

That's not a big deal. Anyone can book Sandy Kane on Jim and Sam via text message.

sam implies carl is fucking lynsi in the live show at ~1:35:00 with "whats it like to realize your wife is fucking a chef?" in his troublemaker voice

Throwing spaghetti to the wall seeing what sticks, nigga