I got him again!!

4  2018-03-27 by lonelyalice9021


The linked tweet was tweeted by @Lonelyalice9021 on Mar 27, 2018 17:12:34 UTC

@pattonoswalt I miss Mommy because you killed her 😪

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That kid is going to have to legit become the best engineer on earth because those looks will not get her any promotion in any other field

And 30 years after the doctor who delivered you said that about you, look what you have made of yourself!

Good job, great shape, and an insatiable hatred that eats away all fun like a cancer. Bruh I got it made in the shade

If I had a wife (I would love her very much and always listen to her about her day even when she doesn’t ask me about mine)....who died, I would be very sad.

If I had a wife (who I would spoil with affection and support even if she considered money to be more important to her then my or our happiness)....who died and the internet was very angry, entertained and suspicious that I murdered her. I would be very very very sad with a cherry on top.

Patten seems to coping fine. I’m not saying he killed her. I’m saying he hated her fucking guts.

Agree. But he did kill her.

Patton did not kill his wife. Patton was allowed to have his wife killed because she found out about the things that patton and his creepy alternative comedian friends did with his daughter. The EMT's killed her they ghosted to his place with no sirens as planned and euthanized her on the way to the ER with a saline injection. Basically the nerd shit is an excuse for older men to have like giant teddy bears and shit and there are gatherings where they dress like elves and molest kids. It has to do with the freemasons. Of course in hollywood you have to be in the unions and mr show had an episode where they literally where admitting they are all a boys club and it went into mr show clubs across america. David cross said "its a safe place for children" as a joke and the sketch ends with the gang dressed as Indians blowing old men. Famous Mortimer was a carechter in mr show played by patton oswalt. The only time this famous mortimer can be seen he is literally wearing shriner freemason garb.

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Big if true

Rational and based solely on fact. I like jt

You would think that someone who argues politics on the internet all day would be aware of the fact that no democrat dared to vote to impeach Bill Clinton.

What an asshole.