Fellas, I need a pick me up. I was just surrounded by "you know what" school kids.

2  2018-03-27 by NondenominationalBen

I was getting off the bus, and brushed past a young gents legs, that happened to be sprawled out in the aisle. He started calling me blood etc. as I walked down the stairs I said, "Come off the bus then." Very out of character I must say, but they took me up on my invitation, about 8-10 15 year old's. They pretty much chumped me, and I feel like hurting everyone that looks like them. Advice?


You ride the bus? What are you 5?

I'm in London, Engerland.

Better off being 5.

I would recommend not touching young boys legs on public transport. I can’t stress that enough.

Also challenging children to a fist fights cant end well no matter what happens. I’d try and cut down on that too if I were you.

Good luck.

I would recommend not touching young boys on public transport.

well where else are you supposed to touch them?

The cock, of course.

lol I know so many white girls who thought they were going to change the world quit teaching because they were afraid of teenagers. yall are too much

they were afraid of teenagers

Yes "teenagers"....

yeah yall wanna charge our 16 year olds as adults meanwhile white 30 year olds still living at home trying to find their way

I want everyone in jail except me

Well, ya see, most of us white devils don't commit felony crimes at 16. Also, our parents try to pay for us to live outside their basement if possible. Please be more tolerant.

I’m 30 and live in my own house.

Send me photos of your feet.

It's really amazing how quickly they got into formation, surrounding me in a wide circle, it's in your peoples nature I suppose. (the main one was easily 6'4 in my defence) A woman that looked a lot like you with vitiligo started giving them an anti knife crime MLK speech, which helped a little bit.

Ha! What did you do? Slink off without saying anything while they laughed, your fists clenched in your pockets and a prickly hot feeling all over your ears and head? That's what I would have done.

Do ya.

call the kids a nigger and then laugh like artie lange uncomfortably and fucking try and shake the bus drivers hand over the nigger joke.

If you were in the US, i would recommend buying a gun and finding out which school they went to. You should know what to do then!

Was your bus a little shorter than usual?

Fighting kids is not something I would do sober but backing down once you initiated it? Poor form. Even poorer because they are British kids. You couldn't have thrown them off guard by pulling out some duck anus pie with extra pig sinus on it then blinded a few to lay the law down?

That does sound smashing


Oh hai, Anthony.

Advice: wear a whistle on a lanyard around your neck. Next time you're surrounded just blow it and a basketball game will break out.