Christopher Kuhn ( /u/killakuhn ) trial day 2 live updates

0  2018-03-27 by boring_oneliner


You're a dick 😤

oh yeah, im the dick here, not the guy who killed his son

or even worse, the guy who said he would do the live updates and then didnt show up. i HAD to take his place.

So you're telling me NOBODY fucking went to the trial when some of you fucking people live like 5 minutes away and are obviously unemployed?

This has ruined my fucking year. Not showing up to the trial is the worst thing someone from this subreddit has ever done.

merry christmas

Where’s your commitment nigga

i dont do fawking bits

Says the guy who did a bit

is it really a bit if i invented it and did it only once?

If it took you 30 seconds that argument would be valid. Your entire morning was a bit.

actually it was from 3PM to 6PM with a 1 hour break.

Guess I forgot to laff.

What did you just say?

You’re a faggot. I hope you marry a beautiful woman. And you two have a beautiful baby. And you go to the hospital to visit your beautiful baby and catch an orderly raping it to death. Fuck you.

Wait so you just spent like two hours constantly editing that post making shit up? Who the fuck has that kind of time/dedication to a "bit"

nigga i was bored at work

Gregg Hughes spent 20 years pretending to be an unfunny over-sensitive cunt. Jokes on YOU haters!!!

We don’t quit bits ‘round here.

If anything you need to add more Vos dates, demands for gold and quotes from Jaws in today’s update.

If he were white he would be out of jail already.

it was a black on black crime

You’re a real crumb bum.

This guy's a riot.

I thought it was telling that he was "live updating" on a phone or laptop after telling everyone

9:10 AM Judge Robert O. Baldi gives instructions to the press and visitors, eg no phone cameras , recording devices etc allowed

They're gonna let you sit typing? I didn't think so. But to be fair, he spent in an insane amount of time coming up with pretty legitimate sounding commentary..except for the jury shit.

yeah i slipped some clues in that no one seemed to catch. i was hoping for an early reveal and me denying it etc.

i only know american law/courts from what ive seen in boston legal and what the linked documents provided.

Lol. Oh you slipped in clues?

Yeah the one with the electronic devices, the black guy who said 'should a pled out' was kinda over the top, then the prosecuter constantly mentioning prior offenses and the jury saying they couldn't be impartial (both huge no nos from the get go) for example

Ok fag, you're 15 minutes are up.

I don't care if it was fake. I enjoyed reading it.

The bit about the fat bailiff kicking you out was the coup de grâce.


did you really spend a whole day making that shit up? you sure fooled us. you may want to seek mental health counseling though.

I spent three hours avoiding work. Time well spent.

nigga i was bored at work

oh yeah, im the dick here, not the guy who killed his son

or even worse, the guy who said he would do the live updates and then didnt show up. i HAD to take his place.

Gregg Hughes spent 20 years pretending to be an unfunny over-sensitive cunt. Jokes on YOU haters!!!