The Trial of Christopher Kuhn

411  2018-03-27 by porsalin



the man, the myth, the legend.

100% Talented

Even though he's a brit, I'd proclaim him my g'vna in my city.

Did anyone ever find out what happened to his face?

They put penises in there

Have you ever pressure cooked something and an old fry got stuck underneath it?

I certainly can't relate to this bosh

Lemme try.

There we are.

Throw anotha shrimp on the bahbie or somethin

c-c-case closed, all right.

The stick figure Kuhn & deceased baby drawing…holy shit!!

Nice work dude. This really captures the sadness and desperation of the whole affair. And your Bobo is fucking spot on!


Ha ha ha holy shit

This is ur best work yet. That stick figure part is too funny, although I don’t think M. can lose

Porsalin come back. We beat off the geckos.

Tss, wait, wait. You don't even know what you just said!

You did WHAT to geckos?

Lol no thanks.

Fair enough, that's a tough one

You'll be back. They always cum back.

I’m not saying he’s guilty. But, with a face like that - he’s guilty.

Better get that ugly lump of shit off the streets for the public good.

Who will feed his drug dealers kids tho? Think of the children you evil republican!

If you don't have the common decency to have a fucking nose, then you're probably the type of person who steps over their dead kid to run from the police.

Kuhn doesn't even know who M. is. He missed a real character

In the year 2058, 40 years after Kuhn is finally parolled, he will get on the internet and rewind the wayback machine back to 2017 to catch up to the sub because tranny jokes about 70-year-old Sue Lightning pegging the corpse of Anthony Cumia do not make sense. By then, all of us are long dead. Opie and Anthony have died decades earlier. The sub is a virtual reality simulation where all of our replicants are shitposting memes every 5 minutes and being judged by artifically intelligent bots. The content will never stop flowing. This will be O&A's true legacy

One can only hope

If I can get a computer to do my shit posting that means I don't have to. I'll be free to commit suicide!

god willing....

Why would he wait 40 years after his parole?

Wait, why will we all be dead and Kuhn still alive? I will bet anything that I'll easily outlive that sock cucka.

Not even M's cunning arguments could get this man off the hook.

That's the same judge who served in the case of The State vs Maloonigans


Why wasn't the sound bar in the cell with him?

He abandoned the sound bar in the Walmart vestibule.

I don't know what vestibule means and I refuse to look into it.

It's like a front hallway entrance. I learned the word last year. Similar to the little space between the sliding doors where they keep the carts

Wish you put a 6pack of Pepsi on the bench, but great work!

Oh shit is it too late to edit? Probably...

Honestly would have improved it 100%

Maybe a little too late to edit. Still excellent work sir. Next time.

I don't get it, is it because he robbed Wal-Mart?

Why don’t you go lie down.

Yea go take a nap, stupid.


Imagine how he'll feel when/if he gets out and sees this shit and has the time to post again... how would you react?

He'll get really mad and threaten everyone, knowing full well he can't do anything. We'll also know that, so we'll pile on until he rage quits.

Pissing off a child-killer always ends well.

At least it will end hilariously

Rage quit = suicide

Love your work, fella.

I bet his son looked liked meatloaf. No wonder he ran into the woods like a fag

Like how he's wearing Joe Cumia-style orthopaedic shoes.

90% chance of being ruled an unfortunate mishap

So what is this winners' sentence? Was the deal here?

Dude, you got the sniff, you got the Bobo dude.

M looking good and professional like always.

Your gonna look mighty silly porsalin when my man Kuhn walks a free man!

funniest one of the lot so far.

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Porsalin, we don't deserve you. It took me a few loops to realize that the judge was Bobo.

I think I’m out of the loop why is this sub all about this guy?

He was a prolific poster here and orchestrated the Joe Cumia trial drama.

This is the first I'm hearing of any of this. But holy shit this is fucked.

Yeah all edgelording aside, it’s a total tragedy and I can’t even conceive what the guy has been going through. Enough of his character came through from his post history that I absolutely think all character flaws aside, he loved the shit out of his son and he likely possesses the minimum self-awareness to understand the full fucking weight of how his own recklessness and selfishness killed his son and ruined his life forever.

It’s fucking brutal man.

I'm positive he's living in a hell of guilt. I have guilt fo minor things I've done to my daughter, like not letting her have a snack after she wouldn't eat her dinner and she cried. I've had thoughts in moments of extreme exhaustion and frustration that are not me the other 99.999% of the time, and I have to live with the guilt of just having those thoughts. This guy ruined his and his son's life and he's got to be terribly sorry.

Kuhn was a promininet political researcher about to release his findings about the Clinton Foundation and George Soros, but was framed by bad actors (Deep State) for 3rd degree murder among other things.

He is currently having to sit through his own show trial. Sad!

This was really stupid

Fuck off

Doesn't compare to the laugh-a-minute riotfest that is the Artie & Anthony Show, I'll give you that.

I tapped out of this animation early. I'm going to listen to someone say "gobbagool" 43 times in an hour and rant about the coloreds instead.

yeah, this was stupid

With M as the lawyer Kuhn would've got parole or some shit. BTW, was it ever explained what the fuck is up with his nose?? That shit is disturbing as hell.

Why’s that guy got the state of Florida on his mug


Short but really captures the essence of the trial. 5 stars.

It's the trial of the millisecond.

Fucking Brilliant u/Porsalin. Thank you for your service.