He said yes!

96  2018-03-26 by RBuddCumia


M. is straight up bullying him. I like it.

Tranth loves being abused

M enjoys the attention as much as Anthony does.

Nope. Ant hates the argument with M. because he is losing but pride forbids him not to continue

His follower count cuts in half every time he gets banned.

He needs da numbahs.

Again - Ant wins nothing from dancing with this guy. Nuh-thing.

On the other hand, M gets a new Long Island pied-à-terre if he wins.

Don't be like Dave; Never, ever take a bet with no upside.

Any is getting his pissy eyes.

yo gimme fiddy cent

They are becoming buddies

The black community is really coming together.

This is starting to feel like a pro wrestling work, brother


The worst thing in the world for Ant would be to be forgotten.