Reminder: Joe "Kid spit is my powerade" Cumia sees the tragic death of a child as karmic retribution for his cosplay sessions getting cancelled.

112  2018-03-26 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Just one of many, many reasons Joe Cumia is a scumbag.

It'd be a lot easier to count the reasons why he isn't

He can't afford Gatorade on his allowance.

Powerade blue is better than Gatorade blue. Anyone who disagrees with me is a piece of shit

I'm actually very fond of the Powerade zero sugar blue.

There's like 9 blue Gatorades

U know which I mean. Stop being a jerk

Powerade blue in the squirt bottle is the shit.

Also, red is the most overrated color for any sports drink. Red sucks ass

U r correct, sir

Watermelon flavored anything sucks a dick.

it's hot wings with blue cheese, or go fuck your mother...

whoops, sorry. Wrong show

The way a normal person would react: "That's terrible, I feel sorry for the child's mother and extended family"

Joe's reaction: "What you ni**ers get for getting one of my gigs cancelled even though I got paid for it anyway!"

The Cumia's are human garbage.

I agree, ManiacalChrisBenoit.

It used to be Opie was by far the worst thing in the O&A universe...Don't get me wrong, Opie is a man of no substance, wit, charm, or intelligence, but the FUNNIER guy, Anthony, is a convicted domestic batterer, HEAVILY alleged pedophile, obvious racist, physically abusive alcoholic careless gun owner, etc. just in any capicity that is an atrocious individual who should be either on a registry or in prison...And somehow, impossibly JOE CUMIA is leaps and bounds more loathsome human even peripherally involved with the O&A universe...Plus he's in a cover band for one of the most insufferable terribly overrated bands ever.

The thing for me is that Opie is just irrelevant now and while still horrible the awful dad humor and pictures of sunsets is far more tolerable than Anthony's Twitter rants and how Anthony suddenly acts like this innocent victim when he made career out of shitting on people. Also Opie just pays us no mind and Anthony fuels his own hate by acknowledging us.

why are you typing like joe cumia

You make these Cumia brothers seem like they're less than a savory type of fella

This guy gets it.

another Reminder: Anthony thinks the subreddit is directly responsible for the failed Vizio heist