Nice Karate stupid

30  2018-03-26 by LoloTheRogan


"Partial Arts" comment was Bruuutal

Just read that. The whole comments section is pretty brutal.

Sausage Taekwondo

The spinning kick was pretty impressive

Dude will could sprain your ankle while you're crying laughing at this arm moves

weebles wobble but they don't fall down

They do, easily, with even a moderate kick.

Thumb Kune Do.

I don't understand what I'm looking at.

Something that should of been aborted, poorly doing kara-tay.

Still looks more legit than Po did.

Of corse you don’t, stupid

Good for Bawwbby Kelly! Now if only Norton would take up Serra on his offer.

Careful making fun of this guy, he's a black belt.

the art of empty limbs combat

You could've just said unarmed.....

“Ah! Gentlemen! These are some of my finest students!”

I almost feel bad for laughing at the lil fella. He's taking it all so seriously. The way he shifts into his kata pose at the end is adorable.

Snake stance.

He could still kick Master Po's ass.

I’m club fucking footed ya ass wipe

He looks like some sort of Pokemon.

It is actual pretty impressive the way he flips around and shit without tipping over like a bowling pin. Absolutely useless, but impressive.

He kinda looks like Buz, from Home Alone.

I imagine this will be Sam's kid in about 5 years


he could prob beat the ahit out of 75 percent of this sub

Spin & Stumpy.

Something that should of been aborted, poorly doing kara-tay.

Of corse you don’t, stupid