Eagles of Death Metal frontman calls Parkland shooting survivors 'vile abusers' - Rants like a drunk Cumia

0  2018-03-26 by crookedmile


All those comments, it's like Reddit personified.

Jesse Hughes loves his meth

He’s going to die really soon

Be careful of libel!

ME: All the Hughes get a lil taste from time to time.

The comments are hilarious

Back when this guy was getting shot at he was a hero and now that he disagrees with the narrative, he’s a piece of shit. Liberals be crazy n sheeeit


How does that change anything?

I’m disagreeing with the idea that he was a hero to the liberals after Bataclan, or that he was peddling the official narrative until now. He was questioning the narrative then, and not spouting liberal talking points about guns, Islam or anything.

lol, damn really? Had no idea, I was referring more to how the media portrayed him and his band after the shooting.

I'll come back and shut up

Cool man. Yeah, the media definitely wanted to make a spokesman out of him, but he didn’t play ball.

Aren’t you the guy who ran from the stage like a little bitch?

I like how liberals want to simultaneously take away the big bad scary guns and also want to act tough and call you a bitch

You have to give this a read despite the author, there was most definitely a whitewashing of the events in the Bataclan.


I remember him Skyping with Gavin too, then getting pissed when there was some backlash.

sorry, that page isnt available

Damn it's been removed.

What a faggot. Here's a link

Well I mean the guy did experience a mass murder incident with guns in a place where they're effectively illegal. I understand where he's coming from.

Fuck you. He bad mouthed islam after his fans were shot by a jihadi in that club and HE is the bad guy

Miss Alyssa is pretty good

He's right.