HEY YOU GUYS! Patton Oswalt is doing an AMA at unresolved mysteries right now about his deceased wife's book!

1  2018-03-26 by WhippingHuskies



I don't want this sub banned or worse.

Fun is fun but Patton could get us squarshed

Fun is fun but Patton could get us squarshed


A lot of motherfuckering in that thread.

Patton Oswalt murdered his wife.

Ametican hero

This will end well.

What made her obsessed with that killer, and think she could solve those murders? Did she have access to police files or was she just plagarizing other people's work and repackaging it as her own? IIRC, she had the audacity to try to rename him The Golden State Killer because the East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker name didn't have enough pizazz. I dislike that sub. It's fuckin filled with armchair detectives (fat fucks) who've watched too many Lifetime movies.

It's ok. Pretty good discussion, people leave politics out of everything and a good community overall. They have some true crime nuts, incl. retired detectives there that cook up some amazing, albeit sometimes insane, theories.

The autistic true crime nuts who frequent that sub tend to dramatize/romanticize crimes and killers while feigning sympathy towards the victims and their families. They love death. They're damaged motherfuckers. They have these wild theories about this and that but they consistently forget that these crimes often have underehelming conclusions. They seem to have issues separating fantasy from reality. I've read a lot of true crime books but I stopped because it's too dark and depressing. Actually I think the whole Toy Box Killer aka David Parker Ray case made me tap out on that genre. Really evil shit going on in that case.

How's Spain? I haven't posted here in awhile but I remember asking you about Iberian culture and history.

Yea, that place has a murder/mayhem fetish. I've noticed that undercurrent there myself. Ehh Spain is ok. The economy is very bad atm and people are increasingly frustrated, paranoid, full of angst. As far as the whole Catalonia fiasco, more of the same. These problems will never go away, they're too deeply ingrained and the wounds are too deep, fresh, and constantly being reopened. The whole thing is embarrassing, as is Western Europe in general.

You guys need to calm down over there. Too much angst. Not enough sex or smoking weed going on? Which region has the hottest chicks? I'd bet my last dollar that Malaga has some of the best girls (into anal) in Spain.

sheep, obsessing over fake narratives, in absolute ignorance to real life implications, getting ready for their own slaughter.

Fun is fun but Patton could get us squarshed

Fun is fun but Patton could get us squarshed
