When you're such a midget flunkie, you can't even win an argument with Mars

20  2018-03-26 by TonyFromLongIsland


"Does that little bit of hair under his lip say "TWAT"?"

"I'm so glad Danny is gone"

"My Ranking of O&A's Crew throughout the years... Kenny > Roland > Than > Steve > Sam > E-Rock > Mars > Troy Quan > Intern David > Danny"

No one asked

I always liked the guys behind O, A and J. Than was awesome. I put Steve and Erock high on the list because of the great radio that resulted from their abuse. Danny did good work, Sam came up with Jocktober and a lot of shit stirring, so I like them too. I like Travis, Sal was fun to abuse, and Master Po might be my favorite of all time. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they have a bunch of bland nobody’s working for them now and all current incarnations of the show are boring. Ant drones about politics, Jim and Sam don’t talk about anything funny and Opie’s show wasn’t very good, though probably better than Ant’s show while he still had Jimmy.

Whose ranking? Unless we're stratifying staff based on their likelihood of playing Keith Schiller in any Trump biopic, Kenny is nowhere near the top of anything. Hard worker? Funny on air? Quick-witted? Likable? Good father?

"Notice how whenever Mars brings up a point that Danny did not like, Danny acted like Mars was being unreasonable in the argument."

Look at you, quoting the video.

Valid fucking point though.

"It kind of angers me that no one called danny out for the obvious lies and made the argument seem even to a laymen, but 5 minutes in until the end of the show danny is off his rocker."

"I wonder if Danny is brown-nosing over at Rockstar like he did at SiriusXM. Lazlow better watch out for the same knife in the back that Steve C. got."


"The way Danny keeps repeating "Mars, Mars, Mars..." in an annoyed and condescendent tone... I really want to bash his head with a sledgehammer"

"Danny has had a fight with EVERYONE on the damn show. He never once stopped to wonder if maybe he was the problem lol"

Christ dude we get it. Make another post about how you don’t like Danny


"I look at the picture for this video. Anyone ever mention the fact that Danny looks like a goat? Like if a goat were turned to a man by some witch, it would look like Danny."

Or a surprised possum.

"Danny lost to an intern at guitar hero..."

"Anyone defending Danny probably is in their position for nepotism; that's the only way I can imagine them defending him."

"danny's face and personality are soooo punchable"

"If Mars could emasculate Danny any further, Danny would be O&A's hole. "

"Not to sound like a hateful sociopath, but I really enjoy that the O&A community comes together to universally despise Danny."

"I just read on reddit that after Danny got fired from O&A, Lazlow of Rockstar Games got him a job at Rockstar testing games - Rockstar eventually had to fire Danny because he was leaking information about unannounced games like Red Dead Redemption 2 onto the internet and, surprise surprise, Danny tried to blame it on Lazlow and almost got him fired in the process. "

I don't feel like listening to this entire thing, but this is in reference to the Derek thing. I couldn't say what I wanted to say on air because that would expose the reason for his firing. It would have created a bigger shitstorm.

Sirius didn't need Mars. They had plenty of staff. Mars went to Opie and he convinced Sirius to add him on.

What about the leaking information part?

Well why did Derek get fired?

He didn't like Opie's YouTube videos.

Most people with eyes and ears don't so what made him so God damn special?

Mars was in the bathroom and overheard Derek. Mars went to Kenny who went to Opie.

Thanks for the answer. Was any of them on the show actually good people?

That's some high school girl stuff. Was everybody like that or just Mars?

It's like, Opie was easy to play, so those who cared to, would.

He was already fired before the leaking. He leaked afterwards and they sent him a cease and desist.

"Is Danny really that ugly or is that just a really bad picture of him?"

"Not that I'm gorgeous, but how can a dude THAT fugly be so arrogant? Damn, dude!"

"Marz isn't even a well spoken guy and he absolutely destroyed Danny in a verbal argument. Why the Danny hate? Danny is a d bag. You don't want to be friends with Danny. You can tell from listening to him argue and everyone's complaints he is a smug jerk off and it's a lot of little things that build up. So when he puts people on the spot and says what did I do wrong, they can't pin point one particular thing so he seems right. People like him suck."

"Danny got fired....ha ha.

Now on to step 2.....die."

Danny, hundreds of comments?

Defending Danny won't age well for you, faggot. Also, he refuses to reply to me because I got him vurry good.

How did you get him?

Hi Danny. We both know the truth. Run along now back to one of your other six accounts.

No dude I just want the fucking gossip, check my comment history if you think I'm Danny.

Come on ya prick you can comment a hundred times on yer own post you can get back to me.

Oi! Cunt!

I think he blocked me because I politely insisted that he looks like a gargoyle.

All you have to do is stay on track and keep arguing with him, he gives up like such a pussy.

Why would anyone want to do that?

politely insisted

is that how Germans "asked" Jews to "go to camp"?

They were put in time-out.

Anthony is the worst part of this audio. Even gives a "haha holeeee shit" to an awful comeback by Danny.

Anthony is worthless and was never funny. He did semi-decent impressions that any autistic imitator can do, quoted movie lines and injected some of whoever's personality he was doing atm into the movie quotes. Easy, formulaic bullshit.

hold your horses cowboy

He said himself during the Grapes Fight with Opie, that he gets lines from PalTalk and uses them on the show.

So now I can never tell which funny lines are actually his, and what's been taken from PalTalk.

The funniest part of Anthony was his depressing stories until he was no longer able to be self depreciating. He realized how pathetic he was and was able to tell the stories and laugh at in while they were shitting on him. Those days have passed. He's a cunt now.

Agree danny sucks monkey balls

The vitriol and passionate hatred between Danny and Anthony suggests a romantic relationship gone sour.

Most guys who fall out just stop hanging out and leave it at that. These 2 queers last meeting probably involved scratching, hair pulling (expensive for Anthony) and lots of hissing "I hate you, you bitch."

Can confirm. I used to work at a deli ran by two lesbians. Over time I pretty much became their driver and errand boy as well. Think a young Jim Darmody and Nucky Thompson-type relationship. Anyway, many a night I had to bust up their dyke fights and drive one of them to the local motel before they both fucked off to Florida. Anthony and Danny both exemplify the traits I saw in these two on an almost daily basis, and therefore we can surmise they both used to suck each other's peckah.

I don't like you comparing the complicated quasi father/son relationship of a fictional pair of cutthroat bootleggers to your working for a couple of lesbicious sandwich makers but I get your overall point.

Is this a character you're doing?

TonyFromLongIsland doing a great job in this thread, while the rest of this sub drools on Danny’s little jew cock and begs for more details about what Anthony’s bed sheets look like.

Im guessing they look like a jackson pollack of tranny jizz and ass blood.

It's pretty pathetic. Danny is a fuckwad.

DAMN! How many accounts does TonyFromLongIsland have?

"DAMN! That's an unhealthy obsession."

Ant was right, he looks like he should be on a propane poster from 1930's in Germany

This faggot op with the quotations, I hope you get pancreatic cancer

Donor #1 to Danny's patreon.

Who's Danny?

The gay nigger kike midget bartender that you idolize like some faggot teenager.

Oh yeah, that guy

12:06 - Danny throws a fit about being outed for going on ebay, threatens to expose what Mars does.

12:15 - Mars says "Let's go there."

12:22 - Danny says "I'm not going to stoop down to your level."

Oh man, Danny really backed off once Mars called Danny's bluff.

Why would anyone want to do that?