The way things are going with tranthony I’m shocked we don’t have a dead pool set up for him yet

3  2018-03-26 by [deleted]



He's not going to die, his mind is just going to run away like his failure of a mother's

I wonder if Keith has power of attorney over Anthony. Would make things alot easier for Keith if/when Ant goes to the looney bin.

We call it the Navy here.

What you mean failure? She raised two great racist child saliva connoisseurs!

Heart attack could expire this Easter weekend. He tends to drink more during the holidays to cope with his loneliness and anxiety.

Also, look-out for an Opie Attack in the coming days. It bothers Heart Attack that he married a 10 while he dates pre-pubescent looking girls

So you’ve got Easter I’ve got Christmas any other takers?

4th of July weekend. Easy money.

He will only die when his thirst for teens is left unquenched.

Death pool. Dead pool is something else.

What about an xmen or sumthin.