Was anyone else just banned from r/happy? I don’t think I’ve ever even posted there and I was just messaged that I can never post there again. When I asked why, the mod said “Ask your O&A buddies”

5  2018-03-26 by [deleted]



Now I feel like I have to go there and ask "what's the beef, bucko?"

Looking at those happy people makes me sick.

ahhh come here let me tickle ya

Yeah, they got me too. I couldn't think of any good ones anyway.

I was thinking that was somewhere else. Regardless though, one fucking harmless comment gets you banned?

Considering brigading is against the rules. Its a good way to bring bad attention to this sub.

It would be a shame to bring negative attention upon these upstanding gentlemen.

It really would. If anyone was paying attention they'd probably shut it down for the amount of shitposting that happens here. On the front page right now is a thread in which people are asking that one of the school shooting victims be killed. High class people around here, for sure.