ME: I love weed so much mannnn

121  2018-03-26 by peopleforgetthat


Dude. LMAO.

ME: I go deep with the reggae mahhhhhhn. Ever heard of this guy bob marley?

ME: ‘Dont worry be happy’ is his best song. Period. Not his most popular but I uhhh ran deep with the ganja back in the day. Opsters hit the old trippy stick a couple times. Wacky tobaccy. Ever hit the uhhh wacky tobaccy Carl?


Period. Bit. Period. Bit.bit.bit.period

Sounds like someone hitting a sample pad of Opie noises.

dude #weed on a jamaica post? this guys fawkin good.

Jamaican weed is garbage.

ME: Just a baby hit. A lil taste

I stopped smoking weed about 5 years ago A baby hit now a days puts me in space

I wish I was that way. A gram of dro used to last me at least week a few months back, now I'm buying two grams every three days or so. Better than my heroin habit, I guess. I sometimes miss that.

I bet you break out in hives when you suck dick as well.

Wouldn't that mean I'm straight?

Technically yes but realistically no.

Those are called kaposi's sarcomas, Brotherman.

Nobody asked

Sorry to trigger you brotherman

Really neededja that day...

You know he was a weak head the 4x he smoked weed. The guy who gets way too fucking high - becomes a fucking annoyance cuz he thinks he's having a heart attack or being followed.

Letting people think u smoked weed, when u didn't - while on vacation, alone...that is some crazy fucking behavior for a 60yr old man.

Sorry, I can't relate. I never did weed because I LOVE JESUS.

The Devil dances anytime someone smokes the demon drug marijhuana.

respect brothaman!!

Jamaican weed sucks too. Way better weed in NYC, and you can get a hipster bike messenger to deliver it to your door in under 30 minutes in his neighborhood.

90% of weed ive smoked outside of white north america is shit.

You can get good weed in Jamaica now. It's not 1996.

Yeah, sure, but you don’t need to go to Jamaica to get it. And I haven’t been there in awhile, but even in 2010, the “tourist weed” was garbage compared to what my grandmother in LA or parents in NYC were smoking at the time. I’m sure there’s better weed if you know the right guy and take a trip into some slum, but who wants to waste their beach vacation doing that when you can get the same or better delivered to your door at home?

2010 was nearly a decade ago, my man. Also, you don't go to Jamaica JUST to smoke weed. You go to smoke weed on the beach. It's a perk, and if you stay in a rental home with a staff instead of a resort, chances are someone on the staff has a good weed connection.

You win this round HookerMouth82. I concede that I’m an old, out of touch twerp who would rather blaze it up on a beach in Queens and watch the planes fly into JFK than ever go back to that cunting shithole island where I got robbed by a pack of 12 year olds almost a decade ago.

It's okay, there's nothing wrong with being a homosexual. Some of my favorite radio hosts are gay!

Fair point.

False rasta!


Lord eh mercy (air horn)

Only a tasteless boob like Opie would go to Jamaica with so many other great Caribbean islands.

soo grodyy, like hello Curaçao??

Opie's beach pictures are a great metaphor for the empty horizon that is his thought process.

N person weed with seeds a compressed flat.

Dudes smoking spice

The deeper we get into this Anthony stuff, the less Opie is bothering me. What the hell is going on?


Seriously. I'm starting to realize he's just a regular dude trying to hold down a job and entertain his listeners as best as he can. (He's still completely untalented, but at least he tries.) And Anthony Cumia is over in the other corner, doxing the people that pay his mortgage and fingering teenagers in his basement.

Opie kicked a dog to death over a steak.


He lied about it bc he thought it would sound cool on the radio to kick a dog to death over a steak.

Best case scenario: He. Thinks. It's. Cool. To. Murder. Innocent. Little. Dogs.

I guess that's what happens when I have kids. Opie may be a talent-less douche, but Ant is a pedophile, and that's a lot worse in my book.

Got pictures of your kids?

It’s the second scenario. This illiterate titted man who was unaware of his partners making fun of him to his face for over a decade and frequently embarrassed himself with stupid interview questions suddenly understands canine anatomy enough to know where their livers would be?

I'm with you, that is until I listen to clips of him.

He was unfunny and overly sensitive. That’s bad. However, he didn’t bite women and molest children. And the people who said he was a meanie to them are all assholes who probably infuriated him because they were lazy in their work for the show. Part of what made everyone mad was that he was paranoid that everyone was making fun of him behind his back, and disloyal. Well, guess what? Everyone was making fun of him behind his back and were disloyal. He’s looking better every day.

Perhaps this should be reported to the authorities!!! Drugs are illegals, guys!!!

I think Anth could punch me in the face and still piss me off less than this utter cunt

But unless you're a woman he wouldn't

He did once slap Bobo. I'm nearly as retarded

#BamFuckedLynsi #LeaveItAlone #HeavyChestedDunce #Faggot


yeah right what did he have a bong hit transplant?

The British are coming dude

A bong hit? Jeez, how high are you?

What a fucking dork.

Be didn't even smoke.

I hereby challenge "Ganja Gregg Hughes" to a smoke off.


Yeah, what the fuck? That's so broad it does nothing beneficial as a hashtag either. #water #air #humans

What even is water?

Like why is it wet?

I'm sure he's looking to pump up those numbers by casting a wide net.

He threw in a #Saturday a couple of weeks ago.

Fucking imbecile.

hes going wide

I have a feeling he’s extremely lonely but doesn’t understand how to have interpersonal relationships with others so he just about humans the same way he thinks weed & sunsets.

I’m embarrassed.

You ever have a baby hit, and just think about water, mahn?

I mean... why is it so wet? And why can’t we drink saltwater? I mean, what in that stuff that makes the human body reject it? We need Rogan here to do some pot talk Monday....

Please walk onto the wrong street and get randomly mugged and murdered, Opie.

Good he needs to really show he loves it and sleep with them fishes

Honestly this isn’t a bad sunset pic. Cringe at #weed though.

Crank the Sublime brotherman!

So he allegedly takes a photo in Jamaica, yet it's indistinguishable from any other beach. That could be Brighton or Haiti for all we fucking know.

Reverse image search it.

Brighton beach is all pebbly and infested with crusties and benders.



Lactation on vacation.

The first HASHTAG he could think of is weed. Haha get it HASH

What Opie Show?


It's all good man

Doesnt realize all the locals hate him and are patronizing him for tips.

ME: Havin' a jazz cigarette and listening to a bit of UB40.

Jazz cigarettes and road sodas....Opie is as cool as they get

Red red wine makes me feel so fine, brothaman!

First UB40 album is actually pretty good, then of course they turned to pop rubbish. See also Aswad. A New Chapter Of Dub is a fucking masterpiece.

Ohhhh noooo. Just when you think he can’t be more of a try-hard... he comes through with this.

He's still contact high from Benson's last appearance

Fawkin puff puff pahsss sniffff

it got ffffawkin addicted to weed. I can do a lil bit now, but it was ridickulous in the past.

I wish Opie would #respect my ears and eyes and stop posting shit.

what a fucking douchebag.

takes a lot of #respect to use random homeless people to try and get youtube views.

Comes back and humiliates the homeless on YouTube. #respect

Hashtag people, sniff

ME: It's just an 'erb, fawwwk!

It amazes me that someone can be this old and still so angst-ridden.

I hope he decides to do a pop-up show away from the resort and gets stabbed.

Opie is the radio jock equivalent of UB40.

.... #Weed?.... #Respect....?

What a fucking faggot this old man is.

The Opester smoked some weed in the day

Be careful not to swallow any of that salty ocean water Brothaman. There’s something in it, as yet undetermined by science, that makes the body violently reject it.

Yeah, sure, but you don’t need to go to Jamaica to get it. And I haven’t been there in awhile, but even in 2010, the “tourist weed” was garbage compared to what my grandmother in LA or parents in NYC were smoking at the time. I’m sure there’s better weed if you know the right guy and take a trip into some slum, but who wants to waste their beach vacation doing that when you can get the same or better delivered to your door at home?

Sounds like someone hitting a sample pad of Opie noises.

I guess that's what happens when I have kids. Opie may be a talent-less douche, but Ant is a pedophile, and that's a lot worse in my book.

It’s the second scenario. This illiterate titted man who was unaware of his partners making fun of him to his face for over a decade and frequently embarrassed himself with stupid interview questions suddenly understands canine anatomy enough to know where their livers would be?