Reminder: Jim also sucks now.

53  2018-03-25 by RBuddCumia


deep breath

That's a tough one, RBuddCumia.

I can hear the stifled nose breathing and see the rapid hand gestures and blinking

There isn’t a more irrelevant person on the planet.

Um excuse me, Jim Norton was sorta kinda sorta featured kinda somewhat frequently on Comedy Central in 1999, and was also on Tough Crowd (a show which no one watched), and a radio show that peaked in popularity over a decade ago and never got more than 0.10% the listenership of Howard Stern's show.

So you can put that 'irrelevant' comment in your pipe and smoke it, buster!

Keep Tough Crowd out of this, pally.

"Keep Tough Crowd out of this, pally" -Comedy Central Executive at Yearly Program Scheduling Meeting, 2004

He said no one watched it, he didn't criticize it.

Hes correct.

They were bigger than stern for a few years.

No they weren't.

They had like 50mil listeners

You're thinking of PFG TV

No they didn't.

Gotta pump up those numbahs

He was in Spiderman too. That was a big movie.

I remember Opie sticking up for Jimmy and saying he was "mainstream" after he made an appearance on Leno. Not that Opie cared about stroking Jim's ego, he just wanted to think O&A have a real gem on their hands.

The cumtown episode with him really drove home how lame he is. I listened to them in a row and suddenly jim shows up and the conversation becomes about his diet.

Well, it is called Cum Town, after all.

Hell yes.

He was acting like he was on Charlie Rose discussing the Iran deal rather than a comedy podcast called Cum Town. Glad the recorder “broke” and they ended that one early.

Jims topic of discussion is this.In order- Diet Ozzie/celebrity pics Airplane/hotel complaints MMA Upcoming gigs Can't find a girl/guy. Random political comment taken from the pages of USA Today. Masterbation I may of left some things out but I think these are the big ones.

Abruptly changing topic when Sam drives one of Jim's sarcastic comments into the ground by continuing to tag onto it is a pretty big one too.

Well at least he made up for it by having funny and meaningful contributions when he had Nick on J&S.

No no he whinged that he couldnt make one of those facebook meme videos and eventually took a long-winded call about the detailed process on air when even sam was hinting it was dogshit radio, did you miss that part?

heard that one shut it off within 5 minutes he want into his salads he eats. guy is a complete no-talent bore.

Jim norton isn't allowed on class rooms

What happened to him?


It turns you into a wormy, fake-SJW faggot?


Why don't you flap your hand at the waiter because the honey mustard on your kale salad isn't dijon, you waterheaded GoFundMe-Fuck.

Who hurt you?

... Uncle Paul.

You poor dear!


Words hurt...
If you're a p*ssy!

Someone should sell that as a shirt. IF YOUR A HACK WITH TITS!

ME: HA! Bra-fawking-vo, brothaman

Nice G36c, stupid

Was this tweet meant for his Chip twitter and he just made a mistake?

Could he, by any chance, be making the point that if "harmful language" can be equated with actual physical assault(like in the UK), then why not use that?

Kids nowadays are soft, amirite fellas?

Don't worry guys, Patrice is somewhere laughing at how pathetic they've all become!

Nice AR-15, shitdick.

At some point, Jim started conflating cringing with laughter. On some level, he actually believes that telling intentionally unfunny jokes makes him a genius.

Why are you motherfucking him? Scuuumbagsssss!

Well, it is called Cum Town, after all.

He was acting like he was on Charlie Rose discussing the Iran deal rather than a comedy podcast called Cum Town. Glad the recorder “broke” and they ended that one early.

Um excuse me, Jim Norton was sorta kinda sorta featured kinda somewhat frequently on Comedy Central in 1999, and was also on Tough Crowd (a show which no one watched), and a radio show that peaked in popularity over a decade ago and never got more than 0.10% the listenership of Howard Stern's show.

So you can put that 'irrelevant' comment in your pipe and smoke it, buster!

Jims topic of discussion is this.In order- Diet Ozzie/celebrity pics Airplane/hotel complaints MMA Upcoming gigs Can't find a girl/guy. Random political comment taken from the pages of USA Today. Masterbation I may of left some things out but I think these are the big ones.

Well at least he made up for it by having funny and meaningful contributions when he had Nick on J&S.

heard that one shut it off within 5 minutes he want into his salads he eats. guy is a complete no-talent bore.

I remember Opie sticking up for Jimmy and saying he was "mainstream" after he made an appearance on Leno. Not that Opie cared about stroking Jim's ego, he just wanted to think O&A have a real gem on their hands.