Nothing to see here, Goy.

112  2018-03-25 by Ants_Oily_Hair


Brilliant. I don't know who I hate more, her or the girl behind.

Both are just as worthless

Disgusting swine

Anita Sarkeesian really let herself go.

That Sarkeesian bitch is one hot piece of ass, I don't care what anyone says. Plus she out on weight and I totally love a fatty.

Can anybody link me to a poorly-written, clickbait article in which she bemoans the fact that her life has been ruined by alt-right trolls insulting her on the internet since she was pictured being an upstanding citizen at a protest rally...?

Google "My secret feminist weapon"

You can tell, just from looking at her, she tells other people how to raise their own kids.

welcome to mde

I guess we couldn't hold off the mde diarrhea forever

That's pretty funny. But I think she's a mexican or something.

A- Booooo

Is that Garry Shandling?

Is that Don on the phone?

I live less than a mile from there, I can’t wait to walk through the piles of garbage they all probably left behind like the women’s march.

Was that originally supposed to be Anita Sarkeesian on the right?

What do you mean? It's a photo.

Oy vey, why are us chosen people hated throughout history??? We only want to tell you how to live your lives and limit your freedom, you fucking nasees

Move to the south. Jew free

Greedy nerdy Mr. Potato-lookin ass nigga