Where are we with pizzagate?

9  2018-03-25 by WhatTooReal


The same place Iโ€™m at with UFOโ€™s, Unicorns & Bigfoot.

Yeah look into the thousands of computers in the Pentagon that had child porn but never got investigated, or the Franklin cover up, or Michael Aquino who was an intelligence officer and molested countless kids in the Presidio cases with eye witnesses. Do some research you fucking mouth breather.

Want more? Jimmy Savile raped tons of kids and worked for the BBC along with being butt buddies with the Royal Family.

Joe Biden is a weirdo kid toucher.

The Clintons and Laura Silsby were caught smuggling niggers out of Haiti and were let go, and now Laura Silsby changed her name and is in charge of fucking Amber Alerts.

Kill yourself for being such an ignorant piece of shit

That amber alerts thing will always weird me out

Thatโ€™s just the tip of the iceberg

You were probably downvoted for your use of a slur for black people, which this sub doesn't condone...

JIDF scanning keywords and downvoting

hey man, calm down

Conspiracy theorist or are you that gullible?

You're mentally defective if you don't think this shit is real.

๐Ÿ˜‚ you probably listen to Alex Jones unironically.

Sort of like your use of emojis? Fag

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Dickface if you ever procreate look out for this bullshit do with the information what you will

Dickfaceโ€ฆ Am I talking to an adult, because Iโ€™d feel foolish if I was debating with a child?

you debate like a child

Wahhh wahhh

im still hilarious

All in?

I want it to be true so bad.

Pizzagate? Not real. Donโ€™t even look into it. If you research it, that means youโ€™re an anti-Semite.


tss why isn't it anthonysfacegate or sumptin

You know I don't doubt that shit like this exists, but the fact that so many retarded faggots obsess over it online makes me not give a fuck about it.

Whoโ€™s obsessed? There was a sub about it that got banned. Where the fuck is the over exposure?

the amount the media is sweeping this under the rug is the only reason I started looking into it.

That mr. gunk steven speilberg doc made it painfully obvious even tho it was littered with circumstantial evidence

It pisses me off that child rapists and cannibals get to walk around with their smug faces. Ant even more so because he has nothing to be smug about.


Itโ€™s hilarious.

Itโ€™s like the JFK assassination for retarded people.


I just noticed the AA mug.

I think the Podestas are fucking creeps though and James Alefantis' instagram was suspicious. However, conspiracy theorists ruined any chance of learning more about that by being their retarded selves.

๐Ÿ˜‚ you probably listen to Alex Jones unironically.

Wahhh wahhh