
271  2018-03-25 by CounterproductiveQin


Seriously it's not talked about enough here just how fucking retarded Anthony behaved at that time.

How in the name of fuck did he think he post tweets like this and not be putting his job at serious risk.

What a dumb wop he is.


He replaced the slur with five characters which insinuates he called her nigga but we all knew he said nigger.

It's worth remembering that he is a completely degenerate alcoholic who was in the early stages of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome when he hit send on those tweets.



tsss yeah maybe he should flip the switch so he can korsakon or sumpting idk


Does he have a cough?

ME: ahhh so that's why he's got da fawwwkin cough


To this day he denies that he called her a "nigger". Almost as soon as news articles about it started popping up about it he started running damage control. I bet if you asked him now he'd say he got fired for calling her a savage.

The two semicolon right where the gg is... Destroys any argument he has.

"That guy's a double-semicolon if you know what I mean."

worst part about it is that he thought he was being really clever with the semi colons.

I stumbled across this the other day. Doing a bit as an asian apologizing to SXM after his firing, he says he "Maybe drop the N-bomb, but never admit to it now."

Only Dani can treat Ant like one.

Red Eye literally changed the symbols to cover for him.

it's almost like he had no respect for how he lucked-out in life with a super easy gig making millions

If was making just $100k it wouldn't matter so much, but since he was making more than $1 million and had what he called a "dream job" he really should have watched what he was saying and considered the repercussions.

Not so sure it was a hard choice. He laid on that right button all fucking night.

*Actually it was bc of violent threats against a woman. (And Opie being all in with management as Trampa was later to understand, in a rare moment of sobriety)

That's some Junji Ito looking shit

If you zoom in you can see a small childs foot in his mouth next to the tissue. Why is that?

Post 'racist' tweets

This sub isso fucking gay

I'd love to hear the mental gymnastics it would take to not identify those tweets as racist.

You have to be human to be part of a race

Post 'racist' tweets

This sub isso fucking gay

Ah, scaffolding. My muse.

Wouldn't the decision be "post racist tweets" as he wouldn't press something that would say "lose job"? Or am I thinking too much on a meme?