Great parenting, douche

16  2018-03-25 by FlashVirus


It's only a matter of time before she's going to fuck Jared Taylor or somebody like that; by 20 she'll look like Fairuza Balk from American History X.

ugh, she dresses like one of those “i’m not a rich kid” rich kids.

take your buttons and your bath robe jacket and trade them for a real personality.

Less rich than last year

She's not rich anymore

Looks like she's wearing pajamas and a bathrobe. What a slob. She needs to go to Uncle Anthony's house and learn dignity and respect.

She’s a fatso; what do you expect?

Wouldn't you overeat too if your dad constantly came into your room and made you watch as he jerked off?

Depends on how rich he is.

I hate Louis CK but it's not like he masturbated without consent. These bitches are repulsive.

More accurately, he masturbated without waiting for an answer.

Yes, in one case he started without an answer, but the two women chose to sit there and stay in his hotel room while he masturbated to completion. I think the fact that that they voluntarily stayed and watched for however many minutes to too to finish can reasonably judged as consenting to the beginning of it.

"I was shocked and traumatized while he whipped it out and jerked off for the ten seconds that it would have taken me to get up and leave, but then I decided to stay and watch the rest of the show anyway."

Gimme a break.

Yes, in one case he started without an answer, but the two women chose to sit there and stay in his hotel room while he masturbated to completion. I think the fact that that they voluntarily stayed and watched for however many minutes he took to finish can reasonably judged as consenting to the beginning of it.

I think if two women are laughing at you pulling your dick out and masturbating, they are likely doing it out of awkwardness. Say what you want, he's autistic at the very least.

So what? That doesn't make it nonconsensual, or a crime. They decided the amusement of watching him was worth it, and they chose to stay in his room and watch him.

Legally speaking it could fall under sexual harassment or lewd conduct, especially because the women are now claiming that it was, even though it clearly was not, but hey women always get believed.

He did on the phone tho



Shut your cakehorn you stupid faggot.

got em

I jerk off during at least 50% of my phone calls you queer.

This is probably a media tactic on the part of Louis to parade his daughter out like an SJW to garner sympathy. It may seem nonsensical and there's a kind of cognitive dissonance involved, but isn't that how these types always behave when they want the media's attention? He publicly supported Hillary Clinton because she's a mom.

Go and watch Horace & Pete to see how this feeble minded cunt's brain works.

Honey, do you think you could take off the bathrobe and do your homework now?


Okay, okay, I'll do it. I'm sorry, honey. Love you.

Try not to beat off on it, perv boy.

Her face is scrambled not to hide her identity, but to hide Louis' jizz.

They are doing us a favor.

Louis' jizz has a faint orange tint.

damn shes so ugly her face is all fucked up. can barely make anything out.

I know we hate Louie now, but Christ, because he did pervy shit 15+ years ago with other generally consenting adults when his marriage was struggling he can no longer attempt to earn a dime (even for things he’s already produced) or ever be employed again. That's absurd but it’s been that way for quite a while.

But, now he’s not allowed to be seen in public with his children? And his daughter is a hypocrite or something for supporting a cause her deeply and publicly remorseful father may have been an impetus of?

Exactly, you got it. Welcome

Fuck that. Louis' next special will be the tits. Released on his own site, as always, financed by him, as always, directed and edited by him, as always. Its just when he decides to do it.

That crafty mexican doesnt need to be told he can have a voice.


I hate current Louis because he stopped being funny, not because he had wank infront of a few 5/10's. Those allegations were the funniest thing hes done in years.

Pretty sure it was his 2016 special where he started to suck. His 2017 one was suprisingly worse, and infront of a massive crowd of people courtesy laughing. Which was uncomfortable.

Because he can still work it like he's saying something funny. Just using the same rythym and punchline cues and that shit. Convincing enough if you're in the crowd and you got peer pressure, but not home on a tv.

Also when he tried to get all political for a second there. Couldnt care less which side he was fighting for. That's the thing that made me stop supporting him, despite how unfunny he already had become.

I thought this was a surveillance photo of Vincent The Chin Gigante.

The sccuuummmbbbaaagg media doesn’t really need to be culturing photos of his daughters. It’s a badge for a punk rock band too.

Louis cleaned shit put of her pussy. Having a daughter must suck balls

What a horrible Manhattan twat brat cunt.

Those glasses make him look like a sex offender.

Nice piss coat,Stupid.