"I helped out someone who presented them self as someone who needed help. I've done this hundreds of times with people from 8-80. Wheelchairs, beds, cars, etc. the only difference with this one was it was some piece of shit liar." /u/Anthonycumiashow

41  2018-03-25 by brothermanbrotherman


Goddamn pedophile nigger.

And Michael Jackson's no better.


We was in a relationship


The McMansion is a trashier and poor man’s Neverland Ranch when you think about it. And Joe Cumia is basically Tito Jackson too.

This is considered a mansion? lol

What a dumb garage. Let's have two doors to maintain our shitty aesthetics rather than one door that would allow you to park an suv.

Neverland, as in, “never land a job on a real radio show again.”

Wheelchairs? Good God are there no depths to which he won't stoop?!

"Sureeee...where's Blanket? Ya'll Ignorant.."

At least they don't want to be n

What the fuck is he doing 'helping' 8 year olds. He actually thought that was a reasonable explanation for being caught trying to groom a 14 year old

"If you're gonna be a pedophile, it's not a good idea."

Words to live by.

I love how since he died people have been in staunch denial about the fact that this creep was obviously a pedo.

Look into the evidence. He was an abstract ghoul with no sex drive. Pretty much every known piece of "evidence" about the case was a misnomer or reported incorrectly.

I thought they found kiddie porn on his computer after he died?

Nope, that was a story that people like mental midget Rogan fell for and of course was astonished by. The material wasn't digital and it was all physical literature that pertained to human motion and dance, which of course a faggy hip hop dancer like michael Jackson would be interested in.

There is also the fact that you can look up PDFs of investigation files and see their full search of all his digital files and computers came up with absolutely nothing sexual. This was all in his home by the way. What person with a fetish of any sort, illegal or not, doesn't have that stuff on their computer to jack off to?

Fair enough. It's just funny to me that he was vilified until he died now he's beloved. Pedo or not he was a fucking wierdo.

That's public opinion, when someone is up and coming they all love them, when they're down and become the punchline everybody wants in on the joke. When they die they get to be nostalgic again. Death is a great nostalgia booster.

That settles its then.He's not a pedophile. Amirite Joe.

We was in a relationship

That's public opinion, when someone is up and coming they all love them, when they're down and become the punchline everybody wants in on the joke. When they die they get to be nostalgic again. Death is a great nostalgia booster.