Anthony made r/happy. Bravo to whoever did this.

44  2018-03-25 by throwawayoanda2017


Nice timing, stupid.


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daughter is white

We should invade the r/happy sub with all types of shit, this could be great. I’d love to see Bobo, Sam, and Chip on there with uplifting stories

Get to it then, fuckface

this sub would never invade anything and we would never recommend that any sub does

Ok time for phase two.

Do we have a picture where he's grabbing her ass or anything sexual?

We post that as an update. "Oh wow guys. Thanks for the love. Due to success of last post here is our vacation to suchandsuch"

But its him toungekissing his "daughter". Then we sit back.

Raiding other reddits again, are we?