Danny is going to start a Patreon podcast about the Opie and Anthony show

41  2018-03-25 by mkubrick


Better than Cumpound Mehdia's photoshops.

Das a phodder shoppe

mY sKiLlS aRe BeYoNd RePrOaCh

I reproach your skills.

ApRiL FhaLLs

fuckin ugh

Is he asking for money here again yet?

His comment history says he probably will

Not yet, but people are literally telling him they'd give him money.

Those people should die in a fire

He'll get like $6.75 a month from these broke ass faggots.

Oh yeah!?? More like DOUBLE that!

I’ve had enough with Danny. He sort of redeemed himself for about two seconds but he’s annoying again. There’s something bad about him. Not sure what it is.

He even tried reusing the "it's a lie. I like pickles" joke

As someone else said, Ant is a pedo, AND Danny is a lunatic

The love he has been getting from this sub is gay as Ant with Sue.

It always happens. When Jim comes here he gets his ass liked despite 10,000 posts about how bad he sucks too. But at least Jim did something good once.

Not sure what (((it))) is...

It would be interesting to hear him tell stories about what a sad sack Ant really is. Not even close to being worth money though

I would suspect bias, though

He's looking unwell

He not only behave extremely semetically, he also looks very semetic as well..

No, it won't be about O&A. Maybe a few stores here and there but whatever I do won't be an hour-long O&A gossip fest. I haven't even decided if I will or not. A few people over the years have asked why I don't start a podcast, so maybe I will. That's all.

Maybe if you haven't ruined your relationships with everyone that has ever worked for O and A, you could've piggybacked off of them or do a show with them, but instead you had to stir shit up on an irrelevant subreddit and Twitter to get a head start. You stink dude, nobody wants to hear your podcast on a long term basis, best case scenario you got an Erik Nagel style podcast. You were a shitty producer and part of a knock off wackpack. Danny is no better than that fat mumble mouth saiyanz. Look at Than, his latest appearance on Jim and Sam just basically said that he regretted leaving, Erik knows that the best days of radio are behind him with O and A but he doesn't burn bridges like you. Travis is probably in the best position with the best gig. Sam is now a major online personality (sad I know). Either fade into obscurity or make amends with people or you just are a faggot.

Tldr As much as Danny will talk his way around it, he's trying to start a Saiyanz-style channel about his days on O and A. No one fucking cares and Danny is a hack if he does

Sam is not a major online personality. The fans of his radio show as well as WWE fans hate him.

Ok but he was an intern like Danny at one point, he's got 145k Twitter followers. I worded it wrong but from an intern perspective, Sam is a big deal.

Well, wouldn't an AMA be a great first episode and way to promote the podcast? a lot of people want you to do an AMA here. I've seen people asking.

You're pretty much the only insider that can answer our questions.

I reproach your skills.

ApRiL FhaLLs