Should I kill myself?

6  2018-03-25 by villduhakaffe

I actually like Oh Dara



Say what you want about it, it's a fucking crazy catchy song.

Are your endless days turning into sleepless nights? If so, then yes you should

wait till anthony goes

do you have children that you support? are your parents still alive? do you have any brothers or sisters? if you answer yes to any of those then no.

I will be killing myself but I can't do it in good faith until my parents are dead. I just can't be that selfish and put anyone that cares about me through that.

Shit just got real


Your parents are going to be missing you out in Heaven because you seem to have half a conscience yet going go take a cowards out to Hell.

a man's got to know his limitations.

If the reason you haven't offed yourself is out of respect for your parents, you cannot be certain a soul/afterlife doesn't exist so they will be inconvenienced for all of time for your selfishness to take your own life even though they have left this physical life. Such a choice leaves them in the ether waiting for you for all times.

thanks for a different point of view. I should say my plans are only penciled in as a lot could change over the years. I do believe in the big man upstairs. I guess we shall see one way or another.

Good egg

The Kuhn trial starts Monday. Not 'til after that, I say.

I unironically like the song.

"Only hope and pray that you can seeeeeeeeee. I gave you everything. Come on baby stay with me. OH DARA!"

Just listen to Steve Perry's "Oh, Sherry" and you might not inevitably become another worthless faggot like me, fam.

The sheer amount of posts on this sub from people considering suicide should be concerning. But then I remember we're all grown men who still follow a show that diasterously flamed out years ago and realize this is exactly this kind of familiar post that would show up here.

All of you drunken suicidal fucks: no, don't kill yourselves. Find a fucking hobby or lose weight or work harder. Unless you're terminally ill, killing yourself is the coward's way out. Keep living, you ungrateful fucks. I love you all.

Keep downvoting me. I love you drunken mental cases. Don't kill yourselves. I can't believe this message is being downvoted, but then again this is the opieandanthony subreddit, inhabited by drunken +30 mental cases who only fend off the shakes by listening to youtube clips of shows that aired a decade ago.

I'll still say: don't kill yourselves. Find a purpose. Don't be history's ultimate loser. And the only loser in your own life is yourself.

You’re taking all the fun out of this. We all know Suicide is Painless.

Look suicide seems great and all--God knows I've contemplated it many a time--but honestly, not killing yourself is also a good option. Hell, you may even get your penis into a woman again. She may be fat or old or ugly (or all three), but at least you get to feel that warm sensation around your cock again. So live at least for that: to fuck an ugly fat broad once again, at the very least. Your penis will thank you. Then take the haircut express.

It brings on many changes...

& I can take or leave it if I pleaseeEE

Everyone should kill themselves. But first we should kill all the plants and animals. Then our sickness will never be able to leave our doomed rock, maaaaan.

It's not a question of if; the question is "when".