Say that again, buddy, your phone crapped out.

16  2018-03-24 by RBuddCumia


Decades of drug abuse does wonders for joke-writing

I feel like every one of Artie's tweets should end with "Get it?"

"Soul purpose..."

It is surprising the heroin addict doesn't know difference between soul and sole...

But then why pontificate like a fucking asshole. Just be a dumb guinea. Unless he was going for a joke here? I don't get the adoration for this dude.

He's a really awful comedian- and even worse at 'riffing live on air. Been over 10 years since he was kinda funny.

To be fair Hogg is a massive faggot.

All of these kids on TV selling this shit are self absorbed homos.

Agree, fuck that faggot

You can tell his heart (as weak as it is) isn't really into pleasing A&A fans.

It’s a Trumpkin

You faggots can't even come up with good nicknames.

Pretty bad when a tweet like this is a step up from saying he molested kids dressed as Santa on the set of Elf, posted a picture of another comedian and his kid while pretending it was something out of his own childhood, and also joking that his sister gave him a hand job in church thinking it was their father(altho to be fair that last one might be fake, but it speaks volumes to Artie's character that I can't dismiss that isn't fake).

"You'll be my co-host."


"You'll have top billing on the show."

"Even better."

"I'll pay you 80k per year."

"I've been paid worse. Do I have to actually show up?"

"No. But we need to be sympatico regarding my tweets about race and guns."

"And I don't need to show up, right?"

You think Artie only makes 80k from the AA show?

Boss,tss ,tss,pecka.

This kid would've lasted 3 weeks back in the neighborhood. Prick.“

I despise east coast Italians.

AJ Benza’s response is even worse. That thread is just a flood of shit.

‘Soul’ purpose? Stupid junkie goombah.