Right, because calling blacks "savages" and being unapologetically racist is the same thing as protesting about a mainstream issue.

15  2018-03-24 by RBuddCumia


He definitely cried after typing that.

He hasn't stopped crying since daddy threw his marionette and called him a little faggot. His whole life since has been trying to prove to himself he's not.

“I pick and choose the parts of the constitution I’ll defend.”

This march today is making the old pedophile go bonkers he is on a classic blocking spree .. Not even trolls , people who don’t agree with his gun Logic ...blocked


I really feel like he blew off whatever plans he had because he knew that march was yesterday and wanted to be home to tweet about it all day.

So they're not savages?

They are absolutely not savages.

He's so boring.

But they literally aren't human, fam.

Blacks have made being savage, uncivilized and anti-social mainstream.