It's gonna be a long night.

21  2018-03-24 by assreaper


Get those report buttons ready.

thats how youre going to spend saturday night? yikes

You have to be Fred from Brooklyn's fucking retarded kid

It's Joe. Who, by the way, spends his Saturday nights drinking child saliva and crying because Ron Pearlman won't acknowledge his comebacks.

Resort ant and fuck this bitch

Turns out its a fake pic, what a dumbass.

Don't say that, its ruins fantasy of getting slavery back

Im sure you can find a legit pic of some social justice retard doing the same thing. Just go on youtube, theres plenty of that

wahhhhh da peeple r burning my favwit fwags

I used to have an upside down flag in my room... back when i was 15.

Edgy flag burning is offensive. Its sad

It's way sadder for an adult to give a fuck what someone does with a symbol, let alone a 17 year old girl.

When they control public discourse you should care.

Kids with mommy/daddy issues shouldnt be the conscience of the nation

Anthony Cumias father left him and he wore his mommys shoes

She looks nothing like the protest bitch.

Ant's starting to remind me of all those old people on Facebook that fake political garbage.

Anthony is a baby boomer which is the dumbest generation ever and they became literally 100000x dumber after the internet became easy to use and social media got normalized

He's also a baby groomer.


Its her but she is shredding a target range target. If you watch the GIF you can tell.

Anthony literally believed the story about Hillary Clinton bringing the Pulse shooters dad on stage during a political event to praise him. Anthony literally fell for "Fake News" Hook line and sinker.

I called it. Fucking sad drunk.

WAIT WAIT WAIT Does the CM Stand for Child Molester!?!?!? FAWK YEAH

Fiercely protective of the constitution. Tries shutting down place for saying mean things.


Let's blow this one up, so that he can bet banned again.

He called a child a 'prostitute'. That's gotta be worthy of a ban. I'd report him, but I've already reported him like thirty times and twitter's starting to get suspicious.

Fuck these high school assholes and commies. Spend a month in Venezuela.

They are dumb kids, which are coming off more mature the Ant right now.

No argument from me.

I bet you get all bent out of shape when people are called nazis, too.

Awwww what's the matter? Upset?

I like when people refer to anyone left of batshit conservative as “communists.”

And anyone who suggests that straight white people should have rights is a Nazi.

Politics have been dumbed down to sell advertising, and they keep finding dumber and dumber people to sell to. Just look at Bobo's tweets. Every dumbfuck has a hardline political opinion now.

Similarly I want Anthony to spend a day in the 1950s South that he idolizes so much.

Nice sobriety, stupid.

I remember once on the show they were playing audio of Ted Nugent shitting on Ted Kennedy for being anti gun and Jimmy said maybe you can forgive him on this one given what his family had been through. This is kind of the same situation, and I mean come on, nothing will get done nothing ever gets done so I don't know why this has everyone so worked up.

That's a great clip, have a link to it?

Nah, I can't remember anything else from that particular show and searching just brings up them interviewing him or Jimmy's impression.

It's one of the Bill Burr shows.

I've got kratom, blow, and a handle of shitty vodka.

Helping push Tony Pederast closer to the edge sounds like the jizzle on top of my jazzle.

Anthony and all his faggot volunteer fire fighter fans need to be eliminated from this earth

57 year old man spreading lies about a school shooting survivor.

Fuck you Cumia.

It's called satire, and if this thing wants to take away fundamental rights and stick her nose in business that doesn't concern her, she just has to live with it.

Is he stark raving insane? Who cares what he, or anyone else, thinks about "politics". All his tweeting does is bury him deeper in trouble.

Even having said that, I'd love to let her give me a snarlin after which I'd lick clean her seepage, fam.