Remember when Jim Jeffries used the be the third funniest regular behind Louie and Patrice?

13  2018-03-24 by PutMeOver

Man I miss those days.


Why did he become such a massive cunt. It was (((them))) wasn't it.

There will be a comeuppance for his Faustian sellout for fame, whether at our hands or the Twitter faggots he’s embraced.

no, I remember him being like 8th funniest

What kinda faggot would put him as #3?

That bogan cum shitter was never third. Hell I put vos as third before that cheek splitting cock slobber

that story he tells about getting home invaded probably never happened.

at least the bag of coke part

why dust for prints when they have the dudes already?


Jim Jeffries has always stunk.

fuck & cunt said with an accent LMAO