Sloppy British Tarts 7/100

21  2018-03-24 by cucktastrophy


Even the hot ones are somewhat ugly and definitely classless. I'm glad the British veil their women now.

What is it about sloppy messes like this that get the old dopamine spigget flowing.

For our Tony it's known as the Fight-or-Flight Response

She's not hot, she's available in every pub in the UK on a Friday/Saturday night. She's a trainee hairdresser or professionally unemployed. Buy her a few drinks and she's good to fuck. If you have any coke, you can skip the drinks and any pretence of courting.

A few problems. If you go back to hers you'll briefly meet her 10 year old kid (social security meal ticket.) He will have been left home alone watching a violent movie while she was in the boozer. She'll tell him to go to his room, which he will, and you've just met a future prostitute killer. She'll strip to a black bra, slightly soiled grey panties and you'll do it any way. A few days later you'll have a painful red sore on the base of your shaft because you were too battered to care about wearing a condom.

What was I saying?

Someone already posted her you piece of garbage.

Giselle, I know it’s been quite a few years but can you show us where Anthony touched you?

Looks like she’s got a bag of dicks ready for her

Looks like she’s ‘avin a laff

That word "tart" you used is making me cringe and hate your country even more. That is not an enjoyable word phonetically

Would you prefer slag?

Was gonna use slag, but thought it was too "British"

It also describes the taste of her pussy.

Oy Bruv, show us that TV license

Nice Blackberry, stupid.

Judging from the style of the Morrisons bag this photo could be around 10 years old. It probably was a nice Blackberry then.

She’s probably real fat and gross at this point.

Judging from the style of the Morrisons bag this photo could be around 10 years old. It probably was a nice Blackberry then.

Judging from the style of the Morrisons bag this photo could be around 10 years old. It probably was a nice Blackberry then.

"Stick your willies 'ere n' give me the ol' in n' out!"

she's pointing out the only thing that makes her useful.

C'mon luv let's see that minge yeah?