What's going on ?

0  2018-03-24 by dezorg

Besides my irritating double spaces.

Can someone tell me what anthony has done.. recently

Im out of the loop


Has a pretty successful pod network and is just living his live.

Uhh.. i mean the whole pedo thing?

Just the bald guys here cracking each up

Ok cool

I love ant

just sort to Hot you fucking cunthead


His old best friend came on and poured some dirt on him. We knew that Ant fucked a tranny (just based on all the pure evidence of her being with him at his house), but it turns out that Ant really is a pussy little bitch in person. His ex broke up with him and he called her crying and screaming like a 7 year old. The reason this is important is because Ant, in his drunken retarded stupor, seems to vigorously assert that he did, in fact, not cry. Except it's clear he did. And he's a 67 year old man who's obsessed with arguing against it on the internet.

He also got banned from twitter again (lol) and he smugly DM's then blocks anyone who mentions him (after he made a new account). He's very clearly raging and incredibly mad when he does DM people, but he types like he doesn't care at all. It's super transparent and just incredibly douchey. It's just another aspect of his personality that is completely fucking retarded.

Another reason people dislike him, that I feel I should point out, is the fact that he really is a nana bodied idiot. All his tough talk, vague threats, and doxxing attempts aside, you look at Ant and you see a potbellied, noodle armed crater face. Who wouldn't enjoy picking on a faggot like that couldn't help but respond to everything?

I havent read this yet but thank you for actually answering my question :)