Sue's Asshole is Red, the Awning is Blue...

68  2018-03-24 by InHell1980

Ant's a confirmed rapist pedo,

exposed by a Jew.


Ant’s eyes are red He’s feeling blue Cause the world knows He got pegged by Sue

Anthony, jimmy and Opie bangs drums

Reddit plays a hate hot potato bangs drums

but lets not forget, they all suck at radio

snaps fingers in applause

Artie's eyes are Red,

His non-atrophied veins are blue,

He also doesn't touch kids,

But Ant can't say that, too.

Opie is rad

Jimmy's a hoot

It's a site called imager

Back to obscurity with you

You only have 131 karma!! 🤣🤣🤣 131!!!!!! Back to obscurity with you! 😂😂😂


131!!!!!! = 7.805146964610613e+37

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot bot

This is like when the hitchhiking robot was dismantled in Philadelphia. Get the fuck out of here.

Compound Media's in the red. Joe Cumia does little. He lives off Ant's money, and likes drinking kid spittle.

Ant's time's running out His business ain't booming Can't stop sucking tranny cock And child grooming

They’re not trolls, they’re my faaaaans!

Oh fuck it’s AWNING? I’ve been reading it as Arwing this whole time

Jim Norton is gay

A Tran-nee lover too

But Old Antwan Qumiyah

He fucks boys where they poo

Ant’s knuckles were red Dani’s ribs were blue Ant was so pissed She didn’t have a peckah too.

And Danny is still a faggot

Ant was exposed

By his old pal Danny Ross

Come to the Treehouse Comedy Club in Connecticut tonight

To see Rich Vos

Joe Cumia's Bank account Can't keep pace with his waist

Someone took a waffle iron To the side of Anths face

Joe Cumia has no job And pretends to be U2.