Jealous? 🤣🤣🤣

98  2018-03-24 by RBuddCumia


His ill fitting casket suit cracks me up every single time.

No shit. Even at Men's Warehouse they tailoring service.

Please, it’s Wearhouse...get it?

With his short lil’ tie, so he looks like he’s going to a piano recital.

casket suit is fucking perfect. he looks like a corpse proped up with pvc so the goth girl can pose w a dead body for her ig

Such a lovely photo of a proud father and his daughter

incest is best

He would know, he's practically bragged about playing with Dawn's tits.

Can't blame him

Wtf REALLY? Where does the Cumia legacy end?


I love how, for all their obsession with Sopranos, Goodfellas, etc, none of these guys have a fucking ounce of swagger to them.

Ant look likes he's never worn a suit before. It's a shit fit and looks like something you'd see worn at church.

And his whole posture is awkward. He looks small.

Just an ugly, awkward, tired old man who thinks he's a winner because he's dating a highschool girl, and taking a picture with her in a messy house.

He's dressing like a 17 year old boy to try and fit in

His skin is worse than a 17 year old boys.

his skin looks 117

That’s the root of his psychosis. He was a pissy eyed weakling in his teen years an the only action he got was from his little sister. Now he wants to go back and “do it right.”

He looks exactly like one one of those guys you see in court who genuinely try to look presentable but one look at them it’s obvious they’ve never worn a suit.

No need to insult the young lady's house

He looks like a 11 year old that just rapidly aged 50 years.

He looks like Dennis Falcone

Like a kid who borrowed his Dad's suit to go to court.

Dude - u must have like 4 fucking Twitter Followers - seriously, you don't even have an audience for your jealousy of me. Why so jelly.

He looks like the grandfather from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

He looks like Leatherface's mask

the pecker is family

is that a sex doll?

No, those are more lifelike.

They couldn't have closed the closet door first?

Thaaaank you

happy graduation baby

his tie is too short and it annoys me.

They probably had to awkwardly squeeze around that chair to take this picture. Everything he does is stupid.

My Gypsy daughter, steals very well,vagine used,make good prostitute 3394 Leu or trade for used Vardo

Is there a subreddit to post creepy photos of ghoulish creatures? I want the free upvotes from this.


You’re already here.

He looks like a mortician

That look on his face just screams guilyy, knows it, and smug at getting away with it.

I know the law! -- Anthony Cumia

He's 110% proud of this. I guarantee you that he has this picture on his phone and he shows it to people, the same way that normal people show pictures of their grandkids.

The smug attitude of "hey, I'm fucking a teenager" from a guy that doesn't get that it's only a thing to boast about if she's hot, it's just too funny. No one is impressed by the guy who is fucking a teenage 6 with severe low self esteem.

He thought every O&A fan was a mutant trucker...thus then we all should be extremely jealous.

if she's hot

ApologyGirl was pretty hot. Defintiely not a 6, more like a 8.

I know it's cool to rag on Anthony but for not being all that attractive he's dated some decent looking women. Likely better than what you've dated.

That's so sad


I used to be a complete man whore, and I definitely noticed a pattern:

1) young hot girls are just insufferable. If you want to fuck someone young and hot, hire a professional. Dating someone in college was torture for me, I can't even imagine dating someone in high school (eeeew.)

2) Having a partner that you can actually talk to is pretty darn awesome. If Ant actually had someone age appropriate to come home to, he'd probably still have a job and wouldn't spend all his time drinking and complaining about black people. And I know this is the part where people call me a pussy for dating someone my own age, but the truth is, there are a lot of chicks that will let you go stick your dick in a side piece occasionally. Patrice was right about that.

What a darn shame..

Darn Counter: 492207 | DM me with: 'blacklist-me' to be ignored

Was she a cutter? Obviously during, I mean before they met?

The trashy storage closet in back makes this photo! He really is a short pock marked piece of Human Garbage!

Nice fedora, Anthony.

No, I'm repulsed. That's not an envious position to be in, it's fucking weird.

Hate all you want but that's a decent pull for 50 y/o

Sir, that is a child.

I mean, sure, if you want to get technical.

the little girl from adams family. cool.

Either Anthony not hideously ugly or this, relatively speaking, is a good pull. Pick one.

If you’re over 30 and can’t pull a retarded 18 year old that looks like that while having more than 30,000 a year income or drugs there’s something wrong with your brain or looks. It’s easy for someone with a decent job and somewhat acceptable looks. Its not that most guys like that can’t, that’s why they call it “taking advantage”, it’s morally dirty and it’s a fucking headache.


I'm usually not into really young girls, but I dated a girl who was fifteen years younger than me once. She was so fucking damaged. Her parents were these extreme Portland hippies, and they were into a lot of "free love" type shit. She'd managed to get herself on permanent disability by the age of 20 for mental issues. I took a bunch of pics of me fucking her (yes, she consented) and it was always distracting that she had fentanyl patches. I don't even think she had any good reason to do fentanyl, she just managed to weasel her way into a prescription.

About a year after we were hooking up, she called me up for a booty call. She was off the fentanyl and it was like she was a different person. It felt like her IQ had gone up 30 points and she wasn't making stupid decisions any longer. I never saw her again.

hi usually not into really young girls

Same shit, except she was only in Canada and 3 years younger at the time and it was oxys. Otherwise could have been the exact same girl.

In my post, I said that she stopped making stupid decisions after she got off the fentanyl.

But in hindsight, there was something about opiates that she just made NO DECSIONS whatsoever. This girl wasn't the brightest bulb to begin with, but once she was doing fentanyl it's like she'd just go along with ANYTHING.

Her eyes are completely dead.

I never noticed in the thousand times I've seen this photo before, but that is a really terrible tie.

Tie? Look at the ill-fitted suit & his inability to wear it. He looks like a degenerate who borrowed his brothers suit for his 3rd drunk driving court case. But yea the tie 8s pretty bad too but that’s the tip of the iceberg. I wouldn’t paint my bedroom wearing this, let alone leave my house look like this.

Not even a little bit.

Ant never looked comfortable in a suit. Like his suits never fit right like he just bought it on a for court on a whim to impress the judge.

Who was the sick bastard who took this photo? Whose bright idea was the photo in the first place?

Same dress, different day:

You just KNOW her Dad is a cuck

His entire outfit looks rented. The jacket is a size too big and not tailored, the sleeves are too long, it's black (which you don't wear on a date), his collar doesn't fit, blue shirts look like shit under a black jacket.

What a fool.

I agree, he's a complete disaster, but your post came off a little too Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

It’s not gay to take stock in your personal style & appearance. I’m not talking about being a shallow fashion groupie who cares about nothing else. But you’ll rarely see a surgeon, architect, artist, lawyer, craftsman etc. etc who doesn’t look put together with their own fashion done their own way. Only people who have deep seeded issues with themselves reject the idea of personal appearance whether it be disheveled or consciously choosing such a basic that they purposely don’t want to make any kind of impression or be noticed.


I think I used to live in that neighborhood.

Sounds pretty gay

I guess it's different in tech. One of the ways to figure out who's the richest or smartest person in the room is to see who's a complete slob. An attitude that says "I won't let anyone tell me how to dress because I'm THAT good and you'd be a fool to fire me."

Yea I notice that too so my theory might be flawed. But when most people say they don’t care about how they look they are lying, because even someone like Artie or Jim Florentine have a look & if one day they had to try on some clothes that had a completely different look & they actually liked this new look better, I’d bet neither of them would have the balls to show up in public with a new style. If you think about people like that are more anchored to fashion because they’ve set a narrow scope of what they will allow themselves to wear.

look put together with their own fashion done their own way.

Actually, your wording is perfect, because that also describes the slobs in tech: they're not dressing UP to impress, they're dressing DOWN to impress. It's basically a way of saying "I am technical" or "I'm the richest guy here." Because dressing UP in tech often conveys that you're trying to sell something, or even worse, that you're DESPERATE to sell something.

It's a weird pecking order. For instance, I know a guy who's sharp but his business is struggling. He dresses well, he's probably about 60 years old, and he does nothing to hide it. That's a bad combination in a business that adores the Mark Zuckerberg types: young and disheveled.

Yes, having a suit fit an adult man appropriately and knowing the basic rules of suits is gay.

You sound like every cop who shows up to court in a Walmart suit wearing his duty boots.

I agree that he has no clue about fashion but he also has no idea about anything else in life so it’s not surprising.

The tubisuan strangler strikes again with his latest purchased sex trade wife


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Have fun at the Grandpa & Someone Else's Granddaughter Dance

No matter how many times I see this picture, it never gets any less embarrassing.

Dude likes his broads pale and shapeless. No thanks. Andressa Soares is far superior. She actually is shaped like a female.

This is today's headlines-School Janitor escorts his only daughter to prom.....

Ant sure knows how to pick a 6.

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She has the thousand yard stare of a rape victim, she's in her "happy place" already and they haven't even started the evening.

The things you'll do to spite your dad

his date has lifeless eyes. nice blank stare, stupid

I wanna know what the hell these two talked about.


I imagine they just watched a lot of TV. From Stetten's blog: "In a way I lost my identity living with him. I stopped listening to the music that I liked because he called it “hipster shit” and I didn’t go to one concert. I didn’t hang out with any of my friends because they were all “hipsters.” I watched so much TV that my brain was turning into mush. I hadn’t owned a television for a few years and now I remember why."

The West Lincoln date rape killer posing with his 15th and final victim minutes before he shot himself to death. C 1977


It would only be jealousy if she was my girl and I'd be afraid Ant took her from me.

I always thought that dead-looking bitch was a mannequin

Her posture is infuriating.

The chair is from when she tried to hang herself earlier in the day.

she looks unbelievably uncomfortable. Her right arm speaks volumes.

He looks like a JOHN.

No shit. Even at Men's Warehouse they tailoring service.

With his short lil’ tie, so he looks like he’s going to a piano recital.

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casket suit is fucking perfect. he looks like a corpse proped up with pvc so the goth girl can pose w a dead body for her ig

In my post, I said that she stopped making stupid decisions after she got off the fentanyl.

But in hindsight, there was something about opiates that she just made NO DECSIONS whatsoever. This girl wasn't the brightest bulb to begin with, but once she was doing fentanyl it's like she'd just go along with ANYTHING.