When your girlfriend finds out you're fucking a tranny and you're trying to hold it together.

114  2018-03-24 by cbanks420lol


Good God is he ugly

I still can't get over the production quality of this show. Good GOD man! Get a rim light!

It's from the Chip show in Bobby's studio. I think this is the episode where he didn't realize the tranny pornstar next to him was a dude lol

No, your link. But thanks for the context.

Why is he around so many trannies?

I don't know, but I don't think I'm getting my $25,000,000.


Well yeah, he CLEARLY stated the crying was because he lost money at the casino. Nothing about this pissy eyed faggots past leads me to believe he'd lie about that!

Not even using an alternate account for this remark, I see.

I wonder how long Joe will be on timeout from the Mcmansion

You don't have any followers! Back to obscurity with you!

Later: Danny strides into Obscurity and there sits Anth offering Danny a beer.

Fuck that was uncomfortable. It wouldn't have been any more obvious if the tranny's cock was sitting on the table.

We don't need to see his asshole Daniel.

This face should never be on camera.

I know, rite? I want hawt guys only, lol

Looks like he got smacked with a football cleat

Ugh. Did he use a pickaxe to pop his zits?

Jesus Christ.

I have the same condition, it's fucking awful. Basically your skin is too thick (literally) so if you get a zit it's the size of pinball and if it breaks it totally jacks up your skin.

It actually put me in the hospital - basically I was riding my bike home from school one day, and I couldn't wear my backpack on my back. (The pressure from the backpack would cause the zits to rupture, spewing blood and puss everywhere.)

Since I couldn't wear my backpack, my bike was off-balance, I face planted and wound up in the emergency room. Some good samaritan saw me wandering the street with blood absolutely pouring everywhere from the accident. I was totally in shock.

I wonder if that's why Ant is always wearing two shirts? I used to do that in case I bled through the first shirt.

No Vos plug? I am the dissapoint.

I'm that guy at the party who won't let you walk away from my boring story that nobody cares about

Uncooked meatloaf face.

being fucked by*

When your mistress finds out you didn't get fucked in the ass by a tranny and makes you sleep in a cage for a week.

Crater-Faced Cunt. I have a desire to fill his stupid acne scars with dog shit.

I'm sure the tranny cum has a good time sliding down those cheeks, prob feel like they're whitewater rafting.

when you see the round eyes littering

When you had one too many and you wake up on the graveled driveway

Comments like this is why this sub has evolved far beyond the show.

Especially when they've been posted 20 times before

Oh, Melissa, don't leave me alone!

I didn't mean to hurt you with the texts that you found on my phone!

Oh, Melissa, give me another chance!

If you forgive me then I know we'll have a fine romance!!

Endless days turn into sleepless niiiiighhhhts.

This poor Chuckie Cheese bathroom attendant


What is his aversion to dermabrasion? Just peel those layers off already, Mr. Pock. Geeeeesus!

Doesn't work. Scars are too deep. Dermabrasion would make him look like he had shiny scarred skin.

Ahhh, I did not know that. Thank you for the education kind Sir.

He looks like a beagle

He looks like an unfinished clay model of a golf ball.

Nigga looks like he spliced his DNA with a house fly.

A golden age Cronenberg-ian monster if ever I saw one. I quite like the 80's special effects skin texture shown here.

Vincent Price and Nosferatu had an ugly baby.


Route 80 Face

To the heroes are who dragged this nigger behind their pick-up truck, I thank you.

Disgusting booger colored headphones to boot

That guy looks like a fuckin Star Wars villain

Lochnagar Crater lookin ass

im on the comedown from a hit of lsd i took earlier and after such a wonderful experience you had to ruin my whole life with this picture, fuck you man

Day 2 of the T virus

This is a Glamour Shot compared to how he looks daily.

Poor tranny trejo :'(

Brundle ant.

17 year old girls are definitely with him for his good looks, relatable personality, and arsenal of Columbia references

Forgot the context but I remember Ant saying he was told that his face was set on fire and then stomped out with cleats.

Why is there hair floating above that bald mans head?

Well yeah, he CLEARLY stated the crying was because he lost money at the casino. Nothing about this pissy eyed faggots past leads me to believe he'd lie about that!

You don't have any followers! Back to obscurity with you!

Later: Danny strides into Obscurity and there sits Anth offering Danny a beer.

Especially when they've been posted 20 times before

No Vos plug? I am the dissapoint.