Best Pizza Rolls: Totino's or Hot Pockets Snack Bites?

7  2018-03-24 by crookedmile

This is really a toss-up fellas. Any experts in the house?


I'd go with Totino's (it's the pizza way to snack)

I think that my rotundity makes me an expert. And I have to go with totinos. However, don't sleep on Kroger Brand, because they are pretty dang good as well.

you don't sleep without your apnea mask.

Sam Roberts, comment?

Too exotic for Sam.

Which sadly is probably true.

I hate him so much it makes my heart beat faster. I have to say not even Opie gets a physical reaction out of me.

I think that’s just called sexual arousal.

A frozen Totino looks like BoBo’s little boy dick.

That's probably why you can't get enough of the little mugs in your mouth

Don’t mistake me for your mother.

dats vulgah

Email me if you want a pizza roll.

mr. plinkett???

Torino’s if you’re asking which one is better to insert frozen in your rectum and edge while it thaws.

Is there a prize when we find Norton's Reddit account?

You uncultured, disgusting fat degenerate fucks. You make me sick. Having said that, instead of wasting your time and money on that shit, buy a half dozen tomatoes, some onions, fresh garlic, and a few can of crushed tomatoes. Saute garlic and onions in a pot, sprinkle in salt pepper basil oregano, pour in some red wine. Throw in sliced tomatoes, and then crushed tomatoes, let it simmer, then run it through a blender. Buy some French bread and shredded cheese, and make some French bread pizza like a human being, not some fucking animal, or even worse Sam.

Nah, pizza rolls is easier.

Shutup ur a rude man

There's a simpler word for half a dozen : six.

Hot Pocket snack bites? Not in this household, you fucking pleb.

Totinos bud are u fuckin insane

You’re fat