Pissy eyed Anthony

24  2018-03-23 by greggmargera

Just realized Ant blocked me onTwitter for saying "how romantic" in response to a cartoon gif of him getting fucked by sue. What a blocky fag.


i'm not too familiar with Twitter - are messages mandatory when you block someone? or does he really take the time to think up a fawkin homerun each time?

He goes out of his way to message them. Truly, he actually only blocks them so they are not able to reply to the direct message (because he's a sensitive pussy).

No message. He was probably going crazy blocking everyone.

I've never said shit to him on there and he blocked me for fav'ing a tweet that was bashing him. He's a colossal pussy.

You got that gif tho?

Yes, I'm jerking off to it right now.

What gif?

What a scathing punishment for somebody who can just, y'know, log out.

he said, in a subreddit full of sensitive reporty fags

Hey, I object to you calling me reporty

Ant doesn’t unironically use the term “haters,” which is good I guess, but a guy who blocks anybody who even mildly busts his balls has basically the same faggot mindset. I never blocked a single person on twitter. It just seems like a sign of weakness to me.

What gif?