Is today Arties sentencing?

15  2018-03-23 by Chippahjim

That's what r/howardstern are saying


He will never see the inside of a cell.

That was a lot of dope. I'd bet 3 months in county

Not a day, Artie is a rich nigga.

When will people finally see that even rich people go to jail? It happens every day. And Artie is likely not even rich at this point. He’s years away from making a million a year and is a drug addict.

Sure that multi millionaires can go broke doing drugs?

if he snorts away 250$ per day that's less than a million for a decade.

He wasn’t working much either.

That's true but I heard his books were pretty successful. But he is also a gambler which is a tough one man

The blackjack dealers are jizzbois and scummmbags.

I can almost guarentee he's spending $200/day minimum. His lack of drug-savvyness as a lifelong addict is astounding. Guy could easily buy a half oz of great heroin/coke for half the price he's paying

*as remotely punishing as his mere existence

He'll just go to one of those low security places for a few months that are pretty much like holiday resorts where you aren't allowed to leave the premises. He might even be allowed to Skype in to the show every day. Celebrities never go to real prison.

It would be an interesting turn if both Artie & Anthony skyped in from two separate prisons.

Even in real prison, if you have enough money the guards will give you very special treatment

Artie is a stupid fuck who bought like 80-90 wraps of 100mg of dope at once (with his tolerance 100mg is around 1 line, 60-90 mins of being high time). Rather than just get around 7-14 grams (in one baggie) of pharma grade in bulk. I'm also betting his dealer knows he's a stupid fuck and dilutes the shit out of it.

I'm a former addict (5-10 yrs ago) so not sure if this is still the case, but it's still an insanely stupid move even on arties part

He should call in sick

That's sorta what he did with his rehab plea

Knock off early today. Blumpkins for everyone.

He works in blumpkin every fucking day. He has really become a hack.

Well he’s been prepping for any jail time locking himself in a small room with a pedophile every day.

Well he’s been prepping for any jail time locking himself in a small room with a pedophile every day.

Well...some days. Not like on a set schedule or anything like that.

Artie will serve a 5 year jail sentence over 20 years.

If they really want to punish Artie, force him to listen to an entire episode of the Opie Roberts and Doug Benson Show.

The “unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain” constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, as discussed in Ingraham v. Wright, 430 U.S. 651 (1977). This standard was refined in Whitley v. Albers, 475 U.S. 312 (1986), which distinguished between the force used in a good-faith efforts to restore discipline and the force used maliciously to cause harm. The Court reviewed factors including the threat posed by an official, the amount of time an official had to respond to the situation, and the amount of pain inflicted on the inmate.

Is it possible that anyone turned on Jim & Sam show this morning, heard that Doug Benson was on, realized Jim Norton was off and is enjoying what they are listening to?

Not since u/dennyislife died or was committed to a hospital for the mentally ill.

You know what, you are right. He was a fan and would support them but he was not awful about it. He had awful taste, but wasn't an asshole about how awful that taste was.

He was/ is Opie Roberts biggest fan and white knight. Sam lost his biggest fan when he was committed to hospital.

I listen every day. Its not that bad, just don't expect o&aness

no! it's his paragraphing!

Good one, troll.

thanks kike

Force him to show up (on time) for work

Alternatives Force him to finish work Force him to take a bath Force him to tie his shoes Force him to tell new jokes *Force him to make eye contact with 🐜h

*I stole this one from Matarese

Out of all the aspects of Artie’s life, the Velcro shoe thing makes me the angriest.

Imagine being that lazy.

His apartment must be a grimy, disgusting, cluttered nightmare. If he’s too lazy to tie shoelaces he’s definitely too lazy to clean house.

Theyre for diabetes, he probably cant bend down

FYI the mods are deleting threads critical of today's Sam Roberts and Doug Benson Show.

2 posts 'r still there. Incl. link to the show.

Where? They're not visible when sorted by new

Yeah they are. Type 'Doug Benson', unreals stream pop's up too.

This is the newest thread visible for users signed in and completely signed out.

Im on the app and see them. Your post too. In the browser I dont see them.

Apparently you're the only one who sees them. I don't see the other thread you mentioned. This thread is the newest one showing.

Post a screenshot in new thread.

From 2days ago

I can't see them.

Ewwww, the mods are faggots

That's what r/howardstern are saying

those faawwwking guys i dont give a fawk what those ASSHOLES say

(hey, let's sneak into their subreddit and take some videos.. do you think I can con the cleaning lady who does not speak english to let us in?)

That's sorta what he did with his rehab plea