Listen how quickly Ant assumes a 14 year old girl has been having sex in school. (said at 3:45)

26  2018-03-23 by blue_magoo_62


Context: O&A listening to an Austrailian show that recently got in trouble. Their 'bit' was to hook up a troubled teen to a lie detector and have her mum ask her questions about her rebellious behaviour. First question is "have you wagged school?" (Aussie slang for skipping class)

Ant bolts out the gate and the rest is him describing "busting hymens and "grabbing little titties"

Hymen is supposedly a myth. It's not a real thing

No that's the clit

No that's the g spot.

No, that's STDs

You're thinking of black civil rights

you mean “funny women”

But..wasn’t he correct..?

No the term "wagging school" means cutting class.

The girls interview ends when she says she was raped at 12 years old and the interveiw is scrapped.

Thank you for that. I Didnt know how to do that