Once we are sure all the evidence possible has been thoroughly compiled, we seriously need to report this to law enforcement...

40  2018-03-23 by Single_Action_Army

For Giselle. He can't keep getting away with this!


Sweet Giselle. She didn't ask for any of this

I wish you fags had a quarter as much concern for pizzagate (where we have actual evidence of HRC's former chief of staff having a blog in which she advertised a baby for raw and uncut online time, amongst a mass of other shit) as you do about pizzaface.

Yeah I have no idea exactly what's going on there but it's dark and frightening.

It really is, scarier is the fact that hardly anyone cares or even knows about it.

You Hard Rights always love to deflect

What's the deflection?

I don't know. I think he's implying that I'm a conservative trying to take heat off Ant.

Well...you are.


I lean away from the left if anything, but fuck the right. Now what?

fuck off lol, nobody here gives a shit about your nutty /pol/ fanfics we just want to watch radio careers circle the drain

"we just want to watch radio careers circle the drain" I understand this is not the ideal place to drop this shit, but where is the right place? Should we just preach to the choir and shut up everywhere else besides pizzagate voat and r/conspiracy for fear of ridicule or whatever? It surprises me how so many people choose to mock and ignore it all rather than say "show me the evidence you claim to have" and actually take a minute to look at it. Says a lot.

Should we just preach to the choir and shut up everywhere else besides pizzagate voat and r/conspiracy


But then how are they going to spread their message you fucking commie?

Don’t assume that no one has looked at your evidence. Plenty of us have, and it’s shit. You’re a bit of a retard for believing it.

So I guess you can you explain this then? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1648673 You can try but you won't come up with anything worth a shit. And there's plenty more where that came from. This is one of hundreds of tidbits that the media just so happened to omit and still do when referencing "that crazy debunked conspiracy theory about Hillary running a child sex ring from a pizza shop" which nobody actually claims, yet the media desperately sold you.

Nice reverse psychology, stupid.

lol Raw and uncut is such a common phrase in media. It literally just means it won't be sugar coated/heavily edited. That's the exact type of flimsy dumb bullshit you retards call evidence. Just out of context email conversations and people just being weird. There's absolutely zero real or concrete proof.

Hey man. Where we at with the thermite paint?

Also, when are we going to expose NASA's bullshit spherical earth pictures? It's flat goddamn it!

I don't believe in flat earth, stupid.

Things that make me cynical:

Pedophiles set up an 'early warning' system, to tip them off if law enforcement was pursuing them. Then they got us to pay for it:


Pedophiles literally have an "early warning system."

The whole Silsby thing should be a bit of a wake up call in itself, yet hardly anybody knows about her.

Well, there are pictures of girls in his pool. And the lying whore who fucked him for money said he was upset, probably after drinking, when she found out he was cheating on her. So clearly Anthony is a child rapist. What are you waiting for? Time to contact the authorities.

You guys are fucking creeps yourselves , man you're so obsessed with this guy's life you must want to be him or something. I bet when you lay down you stare at a picture of Anthony up on your ceiling as you jerk off, I wish I could be him , I wish I could be him... you guys ain't shit but a keyboard gang.. wow what a group of desperate creeps in love with Anthony and his life..

Nope, I just have a zoom in of Opies tits on my ceiling.

Can a motherhucker get a Imager link, brothaman?

The image manipulation website imager?

It will be taken out of context far to easily.

Good point. I don’t wanna lose my ability to enter contracts.

This reads like faggot whiteknighting but instead of the reward being fucking a chick you're hoping to be invited to geriatric poker night at the house of preteen horrors.

With $5K worth of chips.


It reads like someone projecting their sick gay fantasies on us.

Tom is a fag.

God damn am I sick of hearing "you must want to be Ant."

Because that accusation is based on the premise that Ant’s life is so amazing that we all desire it. The fact that you just said that betrays that your life is so shitty that you think being a rich old man surrounded by an entourage of sycophants is the end-all be-all of existence.

No one wants to be Ant. I promise you that. He has lots of money sure, but we don’t hate him for that. Every aspect of his life is worse than the average person’s. He has no friends, he’s miserable, he has no taste in clothes houses or cars or anything else. And women? Im half his age and I would get no pleasure from being in a relationship with the girls he dates.

So please drop the ‘you’re just jealous’ routine. I’m sick to death of hearing that.

They are in love and obsessed with him.

there’s more evidence for Ant’s pedo behavior and tranny preferences than many of alex jone’s half baked theories. Maybe infowars should investigate Ant

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

False flag operation, motherfucker.


Where's Giselle, Anthony?!?! Where's Giselle?!?

She was their homiez yo

Who the fuck deleted all the comments? It says 31 comments

what evidence. danny didn't provide shit, all we have is the word of a propaganda poster looking hook nosed jew idiot

Evidence? Really?

Danny who has become like a love scorned stalker who nobody likes or trusts is the best you have so far. Well fucking played Columbo.

Seems the same 100-150 delusional people post about this daily. I haven't seen anything conclusive. Someone get a hold of this 14 year old who has to be in her 20s now right? If that's true... then ok. But as of right now, there is as much evidence of Russian collusion as their is about this. Oh yeah... and what happened to all the Sue Lightning stuff and Ant? Did everyone ADD about that and move on to something else? Is that not a thing anymore?

This is starting to smell an awful lot like the witch hunts the lefties are conducting. It's a shame that this sub is succumbing to the very same tactics that it mocks day in and day out... I'd say we just let the old croon self destruct on twitter

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