Compare Anthony's fame to Michael Jackson...

2  2018-03-23 by AnnJilliansBrassiere

  • The early years of shit and missed opportunities with bits of extraordinary situations (minus the child fame, but still shitty living), the 20's -30's of being oppressed in a bad place but trying for better, (minus the success but plus for the tales of the journey). The 30's-40's rise to fame and riches, gaining fandom from stories of bad times past while notably having some traits that are either beloved and/or forgivable... 40's - 50's, where some forgiveness from fans gets retracted later, because instead of being solved, past issues just go on and new things emerge until it gets weird and embarrassing. 50's - on, now it all turns, more "things" start coming out, reactions to the public are erratic and otherwise misunderstood, and it gets sad.

If I were Alex Jones, I'd say that Twitter was implemented to take Ant down.

I’m confused are you saying Michael Jackson didn’t raise to fame & riches until his 30’s & 40’s? He was the biggest pop star the planet has ever known & in insanely rich in 20’s & he rich & famous in his teens.

Go back and read it again, dummy. It's not literal.

Oddly enough I been reading about Michael Jackson lately. If you don't know the whole story it is a fucking fascinating read. I was never really into his music or cared one way or the other, but I am now convinced he never fucked kids and was being conspired against. It's genuinely an outrage how hard the D.A. tried to fuck that ghoulish N person over.

I think it had a lot to do with what he thought and said about jews. Take the MJ Pill.

I don't think MJ touched kids either. I think he was a traumatized asexual weirdo that was probably horribly abused as a child. Think about it...a kid his age in the music industry back then.....jeez. Imagine the things he endured. I will say I do love most of his music tho. He's got some great stuff

He was definitely a man child, I think he may have been gay. His children are literally a product of science rather than him fucking a woman. If the castrato stories are true and they clipped his dick when he was young, it would explain asexuality.

The guy was trained from youth in to adulthood to write songs faking that he wanted to fall in love with a woman. No kid his age could understand the lyrics, so all of his love songs as an adult come off like a farce. Like I said I was never a fan but I love the funky soul hip hoppy shit he did later in his life just because its closer to what I normally listen to.

I think his problem is that he was so used to having his 'artistic' way of speaking being placated to, so whenever he tried to explain his weird behaviors it would just make his reputation worse. Not to mention the fact he was doped out of his mind in some of the interviews where he can barely keep his eyes open. He was an all around science experiment by that point and he knew there was a conspiracy against him but I doubt he had the intelligence to know to what extent.