Niggers can’t read and Ray Charles was a nigger. A member that. Why can’t Ray Charles read?

0  2018-03-23 by IIsNotRacist

Because he’s dead.


Either you're having a stroke or I am.

You must be. I’m as chill as a vil on penacill.

OP got too excited that daddy left the family computer unlocked so now hes posting an "edgy" submission to his favorite subreddit without proof reading.

Or he's just your typical fucking idiot.

Doesn't this bit work better in other subreddits? It's not shocking here and you aren't funny so I'm kind of confused.

Drop dead, Op.

I legit dont understand if ray charles cant read because hes a nigger of because hes dead. expand upon your idea op.

It’s because he was blind and couldn’t see the pages, idiot.


A Member That.

Why cant /u/IIsNotRacist write?

No joke, do you have s learning disability?