Anthony, Melissa, and Danny all going at it on Twitter right now. 'White' trash royal rumble

115  2018-03-23 by FlashVirus


Drunk coward already deleted. What was it?

He told stetten she might want to keep her "beak" out of this. Also he wasnt upset at all that night

Is this new!?! This is big

She posted it to her personal blog after they broke up, but like she always does, deleted it as soon as it got attention.


Is this new!?

Yeah hopefully she makes an actual alt account this time too to praise her bullshit

was that shit really 6 years ago? goddamn.


This part is so funny now after how he treated her.

What did she say? Hes deleted it

Check the above link about how Anthony treated her, he swore on his mother's life he wouldn't cheat again.

She won't. He has pictures of her wearing his nazi attire that came out after she wrote that and they called a truce.

His ass is reserved for sues peak right gang

Thanks for screengrab. Hopefully we get a few more gems this night from him.


Stetten's deleted tweets too

longer thread with Danny

Whoever keeps posting the sue shit is really dedicated

I like how the account is also @lobstergirl.

I try

You aren’t the one running that account.

He isn’t the only Anthony troll farm out there but I was kidding. Rip: @anthonycumiafag @anthonycumiagay @anthonycumiasue @anthonycumiahiv @opiesbigbreasts @asnutehloin @hillarysjuicy

How many accounts do you run, faggot?

Did u rob a bank

Stetten just bumped up 2 points in my book for some reason

I watched these live, so I can attest they are not "imager photoshops."

This is amazing. Anthony is explaining shit with lies and his ego. What a dumb fuck.

Ah fuck. He went off on Melissa saying the relationship didn't mean anything to him. Should've screenshotted it. Too late now.

Cried like a baby, couldn't stop blubbering even while all his "friends" laughed.

Welp, that removes any doubt I had.

Am I the only one that just doesn't care? Two nobodies and a clearly troubled, but talented shock jock.

What talent does he have?

Terrible broadcaster.

The very few bits he's written are awful.

Any time he is on camera his on screen presence varies from zero to awkwardly disturbing.

He does impressions of people no one under 30 would remember. His references are one note and tired.

He was a funny dude, like hundreds of thousands of other funny dudes you work with or see in bars or at parties. He just happened to fall in with a deejay who desperately needed a guy to be "the funny one" on air with him who would work for cheap.

What did you enjoy about Opie & Anthony again? Jim's zany anti-comedy?

I think i explained it. Ant was a funny dude in the context of the show. But he wasn't a master broadcaster. He's not some crazy talented guy.

Isn't everyone only funny in the context of their show, the format of their show, and who they surround themselves with?

Ron Bennington is an absolute genius, but compare his show now vs Ron and Fez.

I'm starting to realize that Opie and Anthony worked because Jim was a sniper with his one liners and he had a pile of comic friends with nothing to do on a weekday morning.

Is this a... what day is this?

Fucker doesn't even know that he's supposed to speak into the microphone. His shows are unlistenable.


About 60% of the sub doesn't care. The difference is we don't need to show off how much we don't care. We go to the threads that have nothing to do with this stuff or we read along and laugh to ourselves. We don't need to constantly interject ourselves into the club. You can just read along and have a good time. It doesn't always have to be about you.

What else do you not care about? We're all fascinated.

I always make it a point to show up in places and say how little i care about things. Im glad Im not the only worthless faggot here

What else do we have.

I love how he acts like he's this confident guy just playin' the field of women but in reality he NEEDS to beg girls to come back to him. Remember Missy the girl he's with now went nuts and threw cat shit all over his house and then Ant said he was going to sue her. Now look he's back with her because no one else wants to be with him. He went RUNNING back to her, and probably cried on the phone I imagine.

"I got nowhere else to go..."

Sue everyone!

Link gone. Archive? Screenshot?


This needs to be compiled and archived so that it can be posted here in an easy-to-read format

I truly appreciate your decision to put quotation marks around the word "White." Thank you.

Why the fuck haven't his Twitter alt accounts been suspended already?

Haha why are you complaining? Because he has this account we get to witness him embarrass himself.

Yeah, I probably should have thought of that.