PSA: This sub has literally nothing left and has resorted to liking Danny Ross

0  2018-03-23 by TonyFromLongIsland

Sad times we're living in.


Opie will be back soon. We have that going for us.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Kuhn kicks off on Monday.

#Team Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

I feel good about their chances in this one. It’s PA’s year, what with the Eagles winning and Kuhn clearly committing the crimes he’s been charged with.

Maybe the jury will be filled with people who understand the uncontrollable urge to acquire medium-quality audio equipment above all else.

Not in that jurisdiction. If Kuhn had OJ money and M. on his side he could have tried to move the trial down to North Philly, where he’d have an easier time beating the rap, but not up in Bucks County.

Dont insult our lil sonderkommando

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

Sad times? We've had a Twitter suspension, a possible date-rape uncovering and Joe Cumia on here giving his fellow pedophile bro abuse on here.

Good times in my book.

He washes Ant's balls with his tongue and anus constantly, no need to pay him any mind.

Actions speak louder than words son.

If Danny does good things then he's rewarded, simple as that.

PSA - You aren't going to get invited to the fingerbang dungeon. You can stop white knighting a 60 year old faggot, faggot.

Hating Danny =/= liking Ant, you simple fucking nigger.

Agreed this faggot feels like a celebrity right now

Have patience, Spring is just around there corner and the two gifts are ready too bloom.