You fools really believe Danny?

0  2018-03-23 by unclepaul84

A disgruntled former employee. Anthony is not a pedophile or a racist. You people need to get a life. You have a weird and gay obsession with Ant.


Ants phone call and damage control sealed the deal for me ..

Can you link that for me, I’m behind as fuck

You really believe you're not a faggot?

Fuck you and the Cumio clan.


Ant has pretty much admitted to being both a racist and at least a borderline pedo. The Danny shit is just fun.

There is no such thing as a borderline pedo. You either fuck kids or you don't.

Anthony fucks kids.

post today's episode i heard ant blew him out on todays AA

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Hi Fred from Brooklyn.

Way to overstate the obvious. If we had lives we wouldn't be here in the first place. Lighten up Francis

Be fair; both Ant and Danny are disgruntled former employees.

How many accounts does Brother Joe have here? At least this one is defending Anthony so it negates the other one.

This ain’t Joe. Joe can’t help but call him “Anth”. Ever.

Hmm is. Can you get your friends from r/the_donald to weigh in on this one?

Oh get off his dick already. It's been years since he was funny at this point why the fuck do you people still defend him

Anthony is not a pedophile or a racist.



You're a pedophile too, Unc.

That is MR FOOL,faggot.

Can you link that for me, I’m behind as fuck