
62  2018-03-22 by RBuddCumia


Been up for 15 minutes already 10 upvotes.

yeah, idt this ones gonna work

Link? Vid


Where do I sign up for this? Take my fucking money!

well isn’t this sweet? awww.

Artie skin is so grey he looks dead.

her cuz probably getting his heroin

nigga got that gollum hair

And skin

Ya know.. I had always heard they used to practice cutting hair on dead people back in the day but this just confirms it.

Getting ready styled before the coffin.

Imagine sucking on her big, fat, huge tits while she gives you a colored people "line up"

That's racist.

Also that negro gal looks like a ninja turtle and I can't "come" to that.

"What's her porn name?"
"Terry Clifford"

artie looks like uncooked ham

I wanted her to get naked and cut his hair. Yea yea ninja turtle blah blah. Just something about a naked chick cutting hair and focusing on doing a good job is so sensual.

Someone should submit this to /r/heartwarming as "Homeless veteran gets haircut from stylist who helped him beat methadone addiction" and reap the karma.